Ellis island

  • US government in property

    US government in property
    and for most of the 19th century it served as a site for the execution of pirates and criminals.
  • The first immigrant

    The first immigrant
    The first immigrant was Arie Moore a 15 year-old Irish girl
  • Period: to

    Immigrant station

    Between 1892 and 1954 Elis Island was the busiest immigration station in the United State
  • US government finally

    US government finally
    In 1954 the US government finally closed down the immigration inspection port at Ellis Island.
  • Finish immigration

    Finish immigration
    Atter two decades of disuse, it opened up for tours in 1976.
  • Today

    the island today stands as a symbol of America's immigrant heritage that attracts over 2 million visitors a year.