Ellis Island

  • Ellis island and Government

    Ellis island and Government
    The island became the property of the US government
  • The first immigrant

    The first immigrant
    The first immigrant to pass through Ellis Island in 1892 was Annie Moore, a 15-year-old Irish girl.
  • Period: to

    Immigrants stations

    Ellis was the busiest immigration station in the United States
  • immigrants mainly came from

    immigrants mainly came from
    During the 19th century, immigrants mainly came from Ireland, Germany and Scandinavian countries, but by the end of the century, more and more people were arriving from Southern and Eastern Europe.
  • US government closed immigration inspection

    US government closed immigration inspection
    In 1954 the US government finally closed down the immigration inspection port at Ellis Island.
  • opened up for tours

    opened up for tours
    After two decades of disuse, it opened up for tours in 1976.
  • Today

    Today, Ellis Island represents a symbol of American immigrant heritage and attracts over 2 million visitors annually