Ellis Island

  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    I'm Aengus the 7th. My family are the owners of a well known potato farm. It has been passed down through the generations starting with my great great great great great great grandfather Aengus the 1st.
    I am to be the next in line to inherit the 52 acre farm. Our main income comes from this. Our farm is all we have. We live with our grandmother, cousins, uncles, and most of the extended familly. We all work on the farm and do what we can to help out.
  • Bad Crop

    Bad Crop
    The potatoes are great when they are pulled out of the ground, but then a few days later when they are to be taken to market they were black, rotten, and slimey. We have heard from neighboring farms that it is is a plague that is all over Ireland. Many have died and some are leaving to the new world. They think it is caused by the trains that run by the farms everyday.
  • New York City

    New York City
    After grandmother died we had decided to head to the new world and sell the farm. Most of our friends have either left for the new world or died. Most of the population is gone. The population is so low that we are having a hard time selling the small amount of good potatoes we have harvested.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    After we were unloaded off the boat we immediately were separated into boys and girls. The line was very slow and we only moved a little bit every 4 to 5 minutes. At the end of the line we were poked and examined to check if we had diseases or things they did not want in the new world. From there we hopped into another line to exchange what little money we had from selling the farm.
  • Tammany Hall

    Tammany Hall
    After we were granted citizenship, there were ferries to the city that we had hopped on. There was a man who started to talk to us about some different opportunities. He gave us an apartment, a job, and $200 if we said we would vote for him in the upcoming election. Obviously I said I would to get a head start in the new world.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    Transcontinental Railroad
    After I lost my job when the Tammany Hall collapsed I heard that they were making a railroad from up here to California. The work was hard. I would need to stay away from my family. I would get paid less, but is was money. Mail didn't come often, but when it did there was always a letter for me. On the rails I was mainly the guy who hammered the ties down, but sometimes I did other things like move the rails into position.