Elijah of Buxton

By tv6714
  • Period: to

    Elijah of Buxton

    Young boy who lives in Buxton Canada thats the first child to be born up in the "settlement". His parents were slaves down south for a lond time before getting freed.
  • Chunking stones at fish

    Chunking stones at fish
    Elijah is a master at "chunking stones" and 1 day, after feeding old flap-jack, he took the fleas off of the preachers horse and went fishing with them and got 10 fish by chunking stones.
  • Suspected kid-nappers

    Suspected kid-nappers
    There were whites riding on white horses trying to take blacks and bring them back down south to have them become slaves again
  • Carnival

    The preacher asked Elijah if he wanted to go to a carnival to earn something. So Elijah snuck out of his house at 10:30, after his parents were asleep, to go and met the preacher by Elijahs ma's garden.
  • Elijah beating Madame Sabbar

    Elijah beating Madame Sabbar
    After Elijah and the Preacher went through all tents, the Precaher talked to the host of the carnival and wanted Elijah to face Madame Sabbar in a contest to see who could knock off the most flag things off in 10 seconds and Elijah won.
  • Mawee left by Madame Sabbar

    After Elijah and the Preacher left the carnival, Madame was mad that Elijah beat her an Mawee wasn't cheering for her either. So, when they were leaving the carnival they abandone him. A couple of days later, Elijah and his Pa were walking down the road and heard something in the bushes and it turned out to be Mawee.
  • Mr. and Mrs.Taylor

    Mr. and Mrs.Taylor
    Elijah, Cooter, and his Pa were cutting would when allvof a sudden Elijah spots people on the opposite side of the field behind a tree. Elijahs Pa told Cooter to casually walk down the side of the field. As soon as Cooter got there, he saw a family of 5 and hollered back to Elijah and Elijahs Pa and said "We's all good, just another black family like we's are. They just getting out of Slavery."
  • Mr. Travis beating on Mawee

    Mr. Travis beating on Mawee
    After Mawee got to know everyone, he started going to school with Cooter and Elijah. When they got there, they all sat down and started talking to one another. Then Mr. Travis came in and said " Mornin." Everyone said " Good Mornin, sir " except for Mawee. Mawee hollered out " Mornin' .' As soon as he said it, the whole class went " HUH." As son as the class said "HUH", Mr. Travis had already jumped on Mawee, 3 rows back from the front, and started beating him for not being polite to his elders.
  • Police Massacre

    Police Massacre
    Whites were fighting blacks for their freedom which took the lives of more than 40 people and wounding almost 150
  • Mr. Leroy stealing Cooters families money

    Mr. Leroy stealing Cooters families money
    One night while Cooters family was getting ready to go to bed, all of a sudden they hear and see Mr. Leroy breaking in to their house. Before Cooter and his Ma and Pa could do anything, Mr. Leroy had already stole Cooter and his families money and had started heading for the hills.
  • Mr. Leroy about killing Elijah

    Mr. Leroy about killing Elijah
    Mr.Leroy snuck up onto Elijah and asked him in a herrific noise " Do you know if the Preacher Stole the other half of my MONEY?" Elijah said in a calm voice " Why would the Preacher steal money, he already has enough?" Thats when Mr. Leroy punched Elijah so hard that he went unconscious.
  • Finding Mr. Leroy and taking the stolen money

    Finding Mr. Leroy and taking the stolen money
    After one dreadful, mad chase the gang finaly caught to Mr. Leroy.He didn't have no option to escape because the gang had trapped him into a barbed-wired fence
  • Slavery ending

    Slavery ending
    There came a day when the slaves were freed and they couldlive on with their lives that they couldn't of earlier in their lives because they were held hostage.
  • Royal Navy begins

    Royal Navy begins
    The Royal Navy was put out there to protect slaves and to make sure that no one was still using slaves to do their own work.
  • Finding of the Ku Klux Klan

    Finding of the Ku Klux Klan
    This was an organization that killed blacks or whites that decided to support them.
  • 14th Amendement

    14th Amendement
    This amendement allowed equal amount of protection for blacks and a grant to citizenship.