elijah dakota u.s. history timeline

  • Aug 3, 1492

    columbus sails the ocean blue

    columbus sails the ocean blue
    columbus began to colonize and whithout him we would not live here
  • Jan 1, 1575

    amerigo vespucci discovers columbuses flaw

    amerigo vespucci discovers columbuses flaw
    amerigo discovers that what columbus discoverd was not india it was a new contanet witch was then named after him america
  • yankee doodle written

    yankee doodle written
    yankee doodle
    yankee doodle is an american song writen by americans made for americans
  • revolutionary war begins

    revolutionary war begins
    this is when america struck back against the british
  • betsy ross made the first american flag

    betsy ross made the first american flag
    The first American flag led way to our current american flag
  • america is born

    america is born
    the constatution is signed and we as americans worship this day every year with fireworks and high exsplosives
  • Harriet Tubman was born

    Harriet Tubman was born
    The amazing future legend was born
  • civil war

    civil war
    the civil war combined the north and the south together and freed the inslaved aftrican americans
  • Abe Lincoln was assassinated

    Abe Lincoln was assassinated
    Abriham Lincoln was assassinated while watching a show
  • Slaves were freed

    Slaves were freed
    The African Americans were freed