Electronics Timeline

  • The First Text Message

    The First Text Message
    The first text message was sent by Friedhelm Hillebrand it read "merry Christmas". This is momumental as it paved the way for SMS messaging to spread to mobile phones.
  • DVD's and DVD players

    DVD's and DVD players
    DVDs became popular in 1995 as a way to hold content and transport it from device to device. Additionally, they were used to hold movies and other entertainment activities. Along with the rise of the DVD came the DVD player invented by the company Phillips.
  • Google

    Larry Page and Sergey Brin were Ph.D. students at Stanford and they created the search engine google that used a sorting system called PageRank which looked for backlinks where other search engines looked for the pages with the most similar words.
  • Apple II

    Apple II
    This was the first at home computer that was easily accessible for non computer hobbyists. The Apple II had the option to add a monitor and a QWERTY keyboard. Additionally it's life span of 8 years outlasted it's competitors. The apple II was also compatible with the atari game system making it very popular. It was created by Steve Wozniak
  • MPMan F10 - First MP3 Player

     MPMan F10 - First MP3 Player
    this small device with 32 or 64MB were developed by a South Korean company called SaeHan Information Systems. At the time it wasn't incredibly user friendly to transfer songs on to an MP3 player in MP3 format.