Electronics Timeline

  • 1950's

    Nearly everything during this time period was bulky, large, had a lot of wires, and was extremely simple.
  • 1960's

    A turning point for the electronic era. Electric heat was introduced, mobile radio expands, Apollo was launched.
  • 1970's

    Technology was modernizing during this era. The first space exploration took place during the 70s.
  • 1980's

    Majority of consumer products used today were invented during this time. For example, cellphones, home computers, etc.
  • 1990's

    The rise of the internet and microsoft. This era also saw the rise of genetic engineering, cloning, etc.
  • 2000

    YouTube, the best invention of the 2000's was created. The birth control patch was also introduced. So was the solar tower.
  • 2010

    Technology overall advanced after the 2010's. Smartphones were invented, safer forms of transportation, prosthetic.
  • Future Technology

    Future Technology
    I believe that future technology will be absolutely more advanced, eventually the iPhone will become paper thin, cars will be electric, etc.