Electronics Devices

  • Sony Walkman

    Sony Walkman
    The Walkman is a portable cassette player that allows people to listen to music of their choice on the move. The Walkman was manufactured by Sony.
  • Motorola StarTAC

    Motorola StarTAC
    Motorola StarTAC was one of the very first clamshell mobile phone. It was a portable phone that people could use throughout their day.
  • PlayStation Portable

    PlayStation Portable
    The Playstation Portable is the first handled game console that Sony created for users to play video games.
  • First generation iPad

    First generation iPad
    First generation iPad is a computer tablet that was designed by Apple Inc. The iPad changed the world by creating the first wide screen tablet with an cellular and wifi features to communicate with people on the go.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    The Nintendo Wii is a home video game console that was designed to bring video games to life. If you're playing a tennis or baseball game, you can use the controller like a tennis racket or a baseball bat to get the real life experience.