Electronic Music

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    Electronic music

    The first attempt of electronic music was in Canada and the United States.
  • 1st electronic concert

    The first electronic concert was performed at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. It was performed by on October 28, 1953.
  • Synthesizer

    The very first synthesizer was created.
  • Iliiac Suite

    The Iliiac Suite for the string quartet was composed by the Lejaren Hill and Leonard Isaacson. It was the first complete work of computer-assisted composition.
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    Synthesizers Companies

    Robert Moog and Donald Buchla created separate companies to manufacture synthesizers
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    Voltage-controlled sound synthesizers

  • Moog Synthesizer

    Moog Synthesizer
    Robert Moog's synthesizer was released, it became a major milestone for electronic music.

    The GROOVE was developed by Max Matthews and F. Richard Moore. It is a real time digital control system for analog synthesis.
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    Commercial Synthesizers

    Commercial Synthesizers were produced on a regular basis. http://www.indiana.edu/~emusic/elechist.htm
  • Yamaha

    The first all-digital synthesizer was released in 1983.