Oct 9, 600
Static Electricity BCE
A Greek philosopher named Thales discovered static electricity by rubbing amber and silk together -
The term electricity
William Gilbert was the first person to discover the relationship between magnetism and electricty -
Wimshurst machine
This machine produced static electricty -
Neon light
Francis Hauksbee discovered neon lights by putting mercury into a glass globe -
first electric capacitator
Georg Von Kleist developed a device that could store electricity -
Discovery of electricity in lightning
Benjamin Franklin discovered that static electricity and lightning were the same thing -
First electric battery
Alessandro Volta invented the first electric battery. The term volt named after his great work -
electro-magnetic rotation
Micheal Faraday discovered the principle of electro-magnetic rotation that would later be the key to developing the electric motor. -
First electric generator capable of delivering power for industry
Hippolyte Pixii built the first dynamo. This generator used a crank to rotate a magnet around a piece of iron wrapped with wire. -
Electrical relay
Joseph Henry invented the first electrical relay. this meant electrical currents could be sent over long distances. -
First electric motor
Thomas Davenport invented the electric motor. This invention is still used in most electrical appliances today. -
First fuel cell
Sir William Robert Grove developed the first fuel cell. This device produced electrical energy by combining hydrogen and oxygen. -
energy is conserved in electrical circuits
James Prescott Joule showed that energy is conserved in electrical circuits involving current flow, thermal heating, and chemical transformations. The unit Joule which measured thermal energy,, was named after him. -
the electric telegraph
Samuel Morse invented the electric telegraph. This machine could send messages across long distances through wires. -
incandescent light bulb
Thomas Edison invented an incandescent light bulb that could be used for about 40 hours without burning out. By 1880, his bulbs could be used for 1,200 hours. -
world's first central electric power plants
Thomas Edison opened the world's first central electric power plants and could power 5,000 lights. -
Tesla coil
Nikola Tesla created a transformer that changed electricity from low voltage to high voltage -
alternating current (AC)
Nikola Tesla invented the electric alternator for producing alternating current (AC). Until this time, electricity had been generated using direct current (DC) from batteries. -
The Niagara Falls hydropower station
This station originally provided electricity to the local area. One year later, when a (AC) powerline was opened, electric power from Niagara Falls was sent to customers over vast distances -
Discovery of electron
Joseph John Thomson discovered the electron -
First electric vacuum cleaner
J. Spangler invented the first electric vacuum cleaner -
First electric air conditioning
W. Carrier invented the first electric air conditioning. -
First digital computer
The first general purpose electronic digital computer was built -
first commercial computer
IBM created the first commercial computer. -
world' s first nuclear power plant
The world' s first nuclear power plant was created in Russia. this power plant generated electricity -
First Atm
The first automated teller machines (ATM) was developed -
Bluetooth technology
a few major technology companies develop Bluetooth technology that allows wireless communication between mobile phones, laptops, PCs, printers, digital cameras, and video game consoles. -
A portable media player, was launched by the Apple.