Eleanor's Life

  • First job

    First job
    I was a lifeguard in the summer
  • Recieved a car

    My grandparents handed down an old buick to me
  • Graduate High School

    Graduate High School
    Go Trojans!
  • Move to New York

    Move to New York
    On my way to a city I have wanted to be in my whole life
  • First job as a live performer

    First job as a live performer
    Started performing in shows for off-broadway
  • Began saving for a house

    Began saving for a house
    I started saving for my first living space
  • Bachelor's degree

    Bachelor's degree
    Earned my bachelor's degree in musical theate, and music
  • FIrst House

    FIrst House
    Buy my first house or apartment
  • Student Loans

    Student Loans
    I started to pay back my student loans
  • Retirement Savings

    Retirement Savings
    Started saving for retirement
  • Start saving for trip to Italy

    Start saving for trip to Italy
    Planning for Italy
  • Got married

    Got married
    Found someone special
  • Began a family

    Began a family
    Had a baby, possibly
  • Trip to Italy

    Trip to Italy
    Finally got to go!
  • Start performing with orchestras

    Start performing with orchestras
    I decided to put my music degree in use
  • Adopt a child

    Adopt a child
    Decided to help a child
  • Started saving for a house

    Started saving for a house
    Wanted a house instead of an apartment
  • Started saving for trip to Bahamas

    Started saving for trip to Bahamas
    Wanted to go to Bahamas with the family
  • Bought a house

    Bought a house
    Got the dream house
  • Bahamas trip

    Bahamas trip
    Beautiful place!
  • Retirement

    Finally decided to take a break