ELA PROJECT 7th GRADE. This is th 17th century things in france. No date avalible,

  • Edict of Nantes

    Edict of Nantes
    Seperated religious unity
  • Treaty of Compiegne

    Treaty of Compiegne
    The treaty of france and neatherlands
  • Massacre of Vassy

    Massacre of Vassy
    Random killing in a french square
  • France became a Absolute Monarchy

    France became a Absolute Monarchy
    The king and queen took rule of france
  • French Renaissance

    French Renaissance
    This is the ethnic and artistic movement.
  • 30 years war

    30 years war
    France was starting to get in to democrcy type of goverment.
  • The french expand

    The french expand
    The french take over more land in the name of france
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    radical social and political upheaval in France. Many people died.
  • War of the Second Coalition

    War of the Second Coalition
    The second attepmt to wipe out france
  • War in the Vendée

    War in the Vendée
    The Rebbilion of a town in france