
EJE CRONOLÓGICO UE by Mateo Vélez, Marcos Sebastián, Mario Pérez, Carlos Alonso y Álvaro Castilla

  • CECA Foundation

    CECA Foundation
    France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg
  • Treaty of Rome, creation of the EEC

    Treaty of Rome, creation of the EEC
  • Accession to the EEC

    Accession to the EEC
    Denmark, United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland
  • Death of Francisco Franco

    Death of Francisco Franco
  • Coronation of Juan Carlos I of Bourbon

    Coronation of Juan Carlos I of Bourbon
  • Presidency of Adolfo Suarez

    Presidency of Adolfo Suarez
  • First European Parliament elections

    First European Parliament elections
  • Accession to the EEC

    Accession to the EEC
  • Tejero's attempted coup

    Tejero's attempted coup
  • Provisional entry of Spain to NATO

    Provisional entry of Spain to NATO
  • Presidency of Felipe González

    Presidency of Felipe González
  • Single European Act

    Single European Act
    Portugal and Spain. Creation of the European Union
  • Treaty of Maastricht

    Treaty of Maastricht
    Creation of the European Union
  • EU accession

    EU accession
    Sweden, Finland and Austria
  • Presidency of José María Aznar

    Presidency of José María Aznar
  • Treaty of Amsterdam

    Treaty of Amsterdam
    Justice and freedom for all citizens
  • Entry into force of the Euro

    Entry into force of the Euro
  • 11M attacks in Madrid

    11M attacks in Madrid
  • Presidency of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero

    Presidency of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
  • Failed draft European Constitution. Accession

    Failed draft European Constitution. Accession
    Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Malta and Cyprus
  • 2008 financial crisis

    2008 financial crisis
  • Treaty of Lisbon and Accession

    Treaty of Lisbon and Accession
    Charter of Fundamental Rights. Greater parliamentary power.
    Romania and Bulgaria
  • Presidency of Mariano Rajoy

    Presidency of Mariano Rajoy
  • EU accession

    EU accession
  • Jihadist attacks in Paris

    Jihadist attacks in Paris
  • UK vote to leave the EU

    UK vote to leave the EU
  • Jihadist attacks on Las Ramblas, Barcelona

    Jihadist attacks on Las Ramblas, Barcelona
  • Presidency of Pedro Sánchez

    Presidency of Pedro Sánchez
  • Exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union

    Exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union
  • COVID 19 crisis

    COVID 19 crisis
  • Ukraine's attempt to join the EU

    Ukraine's attempt to join the EU
  • War between Ukraine and Russia

    War between Ukraine and Russia