Period: 1 CE to
Ciclo Demográfico Antiguo
Etapa demográfica en la que el crecimiento vegetativo es muy bajo. Transcurre desde el inicio de la humanidad hasta la Edad Contemporánea. En el primer lugar en el que caba es en Europa occidental. Tiene una natalidad y su financiación supondrá el inicio de una fase de crecimiento demográfico expansivo. -
Period: 1453 to
Antiguo Régimen
Sistema social, económico y político de las monarquías europeas durante la Edad Moderna entre los siglos XVI y XVIII. Tenía una sociedad estamental, una economía agraria de subsistencia y una monarquía absoluta de origen divino. -
Period: 1501 to
Domestic System
Sistema de producción artesanal que surgirá en las zonas rurales por iniciativa de los comerciantes. Se sitúa en la Edad Moderna, entre los siglos XVI y XVIII, Europa. Los comerciantes facilitaban herramientas y materias primas a los artesanos rurales y después vedían los productos en el mercado. Pertenece al tema del Antiguo Régimen. Los antiguos comerciantes intentaban así romper el monopolio de los gremios. -
He was one of the greatest philosophers of the Enlightenment. He was born in France in the Late Modern Age (18th century). He was known for his theory of separation of powers. He wrote "The spirits of Laws" and his political ideas greatly influenced the French Revolution. -
He was a writer and philosopher of the Enlightenment. He was born in Switzerland in the Late Modern Age (18th century). He was known for defending the freedom and equality of people. He wrote "The social contract" and his political ideas greatly influenced the French Revolution. -
Period: to
La Ilustración
Movimiento intelectual que defendía el uso de la razón criticando las estructuras del Antiguo Régimen. Se sitúa en la Edad Moderna en el siglo XVIII, nace en Francia y se extiende por Europa. Defendía el uso de la razón para explicar el mundo y establecer códigos morales de conducta, criticando las ideas religiosas. -
Adam Smith
He was one of the greatest philosophers and economist of the Enlightenment. He was born in Scotland in the Late Modern Age (18th century). He defend a free-market economy. He wrote "The wealth of nations". He is considered the father of economic liberalism and capitalism. -
George Washington
He was the firs president of the USA. He was born in Virginia in 1732 and died in 1799 (18th century). He was United States military during the American Revolution War. Late Modern Age and Early Contemporany Age. He is considered one of the American Founding Fathers. -
James Watt
He invented the mechanical engineer. Hes was born in Scotland 1736. Late Modern Age and Early Contemporany Age. (18th century and 19th century). He designed a separate condensing chomber for steam that prevented enormous lasses of steam. Industrial Revolution. He patented several other important inventions including the rotary engine or the double action engine. A unit of measurement of electrical and mechanical ower (the Watt) is named in his honour. -
Thomas Jefferson
He was the third president of the USA. He was born in Virginia in 1743 and died in 1826. (18th and 19th century). He was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. Late Modern Age and Early Contemporany Age. He was a powerful defender of liberty and spokes man for democrazy. He is considered one of the American Founding Fathers. -
Louis XVI
He was king of France when the monarchy was overthrow during the French Revolution. Versalles (France). Late Modern Age and Early Contemporany Age. (18th century). He supported the colonist in the American War of Independence. In september 1792 the New National Convention abolish the monarchy and declared France a republic. Louis was guillotined on 21st January 1793 -
French lawyer and politician who who became leader of the jacobins during the French Revolution. Late Modern Age and Early Contemporany Age. (18th century). He became dictator during the Reign of Terror, eliminating all those considered enemies of the Revolution. The intensification of the Reign of Terror and Robespierre's dictatorship made him increasingly unpopular. He was overthrown at the guillotine. He was one of the most influential figures of French Revolution. -
Period: to
Primera Revolución Industrial
Nace en Gran Bretaña a mediados del siglo XVIII. Fue posible por la existencia de una monarquía liberal y no absolutista, que consiguió evitar el panorama de revoluciones que se estaban extendiendo en otros países. -
Period: to
La Revolución Americana
La Revolución Americana fue un alzamiento político en las Trece Colonias Británicas a partir de 1765, que estalló en una guerra en 1775, y culminó con la independencia de los Estados Unidos en 1783. -
Naoleón Bonaparte
French military political leader. He became emperor from 1804 until 1814. Late Modern Age and Early Contemporany Age. (18th and 19th century). He defended some liberal ideas although he controlled all powers in France. Napoleonic army invaded different european countries, creating the Napoleonic Empire. -
Declaración de Independencia
Documento de carácter político. Se fundamenta la independencia de las colonias inglesas de América. Formulada por Thomas Jefferson, formada por los representantes de las Trece Colonias. Recoge los principios liberales de igualdad y libertad. Supone una limitación del poder político basándose en los principios del liberalismo. -
He was a writer and Philosopher of the Enlightenment. He was born in France in the Late Modern Age (17th century). He was known for being a supporter of a strong monarchy respecting civil liberties. He wrote "Candide" and his political ideas greatly influenced the French Revolution. -
George Stephenson
He invented the railway station. (England). He was the inventor of the "Rocket", the most famous early railway locomotive achieving. Late Modern Age and Early Contemporany Age. Engineer for the construction of the first public railway between Stockton and Darlington. The following year he was made engineer for the Liverpool-Manchester railway. Industrial Revolution. -
Period: to
La Revolución Francesa
Se inició con la autoproclamación del Tercer Estado como Asamblea Nacional en 1789 y finalizó con el golpe de Estado de Napoleón Bonaparte en 1799. -
Sufragio Censitario
Sistema electoral restringido en el siglo XVIII Y XIX. Solo podrán participar los varones mayores de 25 años y con una determinada renta. Defendido por la alta burguesía para evitar que el poder pueda ser alcanzado por los demás miembros del Tercer Estado. Se impone en Europa en el siglo XIX. Supone el triunfo de la burguesía. -
Pierre Joseph Proudhon
He was a french philosopher and politician. Whose doctries became the basis for the anarchist theory. Early Contemporany Age. (19th century). He criticized the capitalism and the liberal state and defended a social system without state and cooperative ownership. He is considered the father of anarchism. -
Abraham Lincoln
He was the 16th president of the USA. He was born in Kentucky in 1809 (19th century). His presidency was dominated by the American Civil War. Early Contemporany Age. He defended the emancipation of all slaves and preserved the union during the American Civil War. The war finished on 9th April 1865, and less than a week later Lincoln was shot at Ford's Theatre in Washington and died next morning. He was one of the greatest American Leaders. -
Congreso de Viena
Reunión en Viena. Formado por los representantes de Gran Bretaña, Austria, Prusia y Rusia. Tras la victoria sobre Napoleón, los representantes de las grandes potencias deciden aplicar los principios de la Restauración. Supondrá la reorganización del mapa de Europa y la vuelta al Antiguo Régimen. -
Mijail Bakunin
He was a russian revolutionary and political writer. He was one of the founders of anarchism. Early Contemporany Age. (19th century). Bakunin criticized the capitalism and liberal state and defended the revolution against the state and creation of egalitarian society. Industrial Revolution. His quarrel with Marx split the anarchism and marxism wings of the revolutionary socialist movement for many years after their death. -
Period: to
La Restauración
Significa la supresión de todas las conquistas territoriales e ideológicas conseguidas por la revolución francesa y el imperio napoleónico. -
Karl Marx
He was a revolutionary thinker and socialist philosopher. He was born in Germany. His writings formed the theorical base of communism. Early Contemporany Age. Marx and Friedrich Engels co-authored "The communist manifesto". After that, Marx wrote !The capital2 and "Bible pf the working class". Industrial Revolution. His theories were fundamental for the labour movement. -
Friedrich Engels
He was a german socialist and philosopher. The closet collaboration of Karl Marx in the foundation of modern communism. Early Contemporany Age. (19th century). Marx and Friedrich co-authored "The communist manifesto" in 1848 and asserted that all human history had been based on class struggles. Engels edited the second and third volumes of The Capital after Mar's death. Industrial Revolution. His work was fundamental for the labour movement. -
Movimiento obrero
Medidas llevadas por los obreros ara mejorar sus condiciones de vida y trabajo. Edad Contemporánea. Mediados del siglo XIX en países industrializados. Movimientossociales a raíz de la revolución industrial. Su lucha conseguirá mejorar la participación en política tras obtener el sufragio universal masculino. -
Thomas Alva Edison
He was an american businessman and inventor. He held more than 1.000 patents for his inventions. Early Contemporany Age. (18th and 19th century). He was the inventor of the light bulb, the photograph and the motion pictures. Industrial Revolution. He was the world's most prolific inventor, helping to build america's economy during the 2nd Industrial Revolution and seting the stages for the modern electric world. -
Movimiento político que reivindica el voto para las mujeres. Edad Contemporánea. Segunda mitad del siglo XIX. Gran Bretaña y EE.UU. Tras la implantación del sufragio universal masculino, se creará este movimiento para extender el derecho al voto de las mujeres. Movimientos sociales a raiz de la revolución industrial. El sufragismo será implantado en los países democráticos durante la primera mitad del siglo XX. -
Period: to
Segunda Revolución Industrial
Primero de Mayo
Día internacional de los trabajadores establecido como día deparo y protesta para las reivindicaciones obreras. LA huelga se inició el 1 de mayo de 1886 y su punto clave fue el 4 de mayo, en la revuelta de Haymarket.