Period: to
Antiguo Régimen
Etapa histórica económica y social, es decir la combinación peculiar de modas de producción y relaciones sociales. En Francia esta etapa sería la anterior a la Revolución Francesa -
Despotismo Ilustrado
Forma de gobierno autoritario que practicaron distintos reyes en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII, inspirada en las ideas de la Ilustración. Debido al miedo que tenía a perder su estado de poder consideraron cambiar y hacer reformas para mantener al pueblo contento -
Montesquieau was a French lawyer, man of letters and a political philosopher who is known due to his articulation of the theory of the separation of powers wich is now implemented in a lot of constitutions. He lived during the Age of the Enlightement -
French writer, historian and philosopher during the Enlightenment. He used to defend the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion and the separation betweenn the church and the state -
Separación de poderes
La separación de poderes o división de poderes consiste en la distribución de los poderes del Estado, en la cual la titularidad de cada una de ellas es confiada a un órgano u organismo público distinto. Junto a los derechos fundamentales, es uno de los principios que caracterizan el Estado de Derecho moderno. Se dio durante la ilustración y fue apoyada por numerosos ilustrados de la época. -
Adam Smith
Scottish economist, philosopher, author and a moral philosopher he defend the private property. Known due to his piece called The Wealth of Nations. He is considered the father of the modern capitalism. -
French philosopher, writer and compositor who is known because of his book called "The social contract" -
George Washington
George Washington was the first president of the United States, He was also the United States' military leader during the Revolution War. He is considered one of the American Founding Fathers. -
La Encyclopédie fue la primera enciclopedia en ser creada, escrita por más de 140 autores entre los que destaca Voltaire, Rousseau, Condillac, el barón de Holbach o Turgot. Recopila más de 72000 y está dirigida por Diderot y d'Alembert -
Period: to
Revolución Industrial
La revolución industrial es un un proceso de transformación económica, social y tecnológica que ha llegado hasta nuestro días. -
James Watt
He was a Scottish inventor, mechanical engineer and chemist who improved in the development of the Steam Engine -
Guerra de Independia de los Estados Unidos
Fue un conflicto que enfrentó a las Trece Colonias con el Reino Británico que acabó con la victoria de las 13 colonias y la posterior independencia de los Estados Unidos -
Louis XVI
He was the king of France. He increased the French power and influence in Europe. he was overthrown during the revolution. He also supported the colonies in the American Civil War. He was found guilty of treason and executed at the guillotine -
Toma de la Bastilla
La Toma de la Bastilla fue un levantamiento en armas del pueblo francés en defensa de la Asamblea Constituyente -
Period: to
Revolución Francesa
Fue un conflicto tanto social como político que explotó en Francia y poco a poco fue extendiéndose por el resto de territorios europeos en gran parte a la enorme extensión del imperio napoleónico. -
Constitución de 1791
Instaura la división de los poderes ejecutivos, legislativos y jurídicos.
La elaboración de las leyes correspondía a una Asamblea Legislativa.
El poder ejecutivo quedaba lo poseía la monarquía.
El poder judicial se otorgaba a unos tribunales independientes. -
He was a French lawyer and politician who became a dictator during the reign of terror. He became leader of the jacobines buit he was guillotined because of his dictatorship. Whereas, he was one of the most influential characters of the french Revolution -
Constitución de 1793
Esta constitución reconocía:
-Sufragio masculino universal.
-Soberanía popular.
Robespierre asumió todos los poderes e implantó una dictadura durante la época del Terror. -
Napoleon Bonaparte
He was a french and a military leader who defended some liberal ideas although he controlled all the powers in France. He also invaded a great part of Europe and he spreads the liberal ideas. he was one of the most influential characters at he French Revolution -
Constitución del año III
La Constitución del año III es el texto que estableció el Directorio durante la Revolución francesa.Tiene como preámbulo la Declaración de los Derechos y Deberes del Hombre y del Ciudadano de 1795. -
Thomas Jefferson
He was the third president of the United States. He was a powerful advocate of liberty and a spokesman for democracty and the principle author of the Declaration of Independece. He is also considered one of the American Founding Fathers. -
George Stephenson
He was bron in England. he was a mechanical engineer who built the first Rail Way lane using the trains powered by the James Watt steam engine machine. -
Pierre Josheph Proudhon
He was a French politician and the founder of "mutualist philosophy". He was the first person to consider himself as an anarchist beacause he reject the state authority. -
Karl Marx
Karl Marx was a prusian philosopher and economist well known as his ideas about capitalism and communism. He published "The Communist Manifesto" -
Fiedrich Engels
He was born in 1820 and was a philosopher, journalist and businnesman. engels joined Karl Marx and wrote together The "Communist Manifesto" -
Mijail Bakunin
Mijail was born in 1815 and was a russian narchist, well known due to his role at the creation of the anarchism. -
Abraham Lincoln
He was a lawyer and a politician. The 16th president of the United States. He defended the enmacipation of slaves and preserve the union of the United States duriong the American Civil War -
Thomas Alva Edison
He was born in 1847. Edison was an american inventor and businessman who developed many devices that influenced humanity life around the Globe. He invented the bulb light, one of the most important inventions of this age.