EHAP summer assignment

  • 711

    Muslims conquer Spain

    Muslims conquer Spain
    The Umayyad civilization continues its expansion West infiltrating Europe. This led to a substantial population of Moorish people in Spain that has contributed to the culture of some areas. European lack of centrality at this team helped the cause.
  • 732

    Battle of Tours

    Battle of Tours
    This battle was the turning point in Europe, in which the Umayyads were finally stopped in their westward expansion. If not for this European victory by Charles the Hammer Martel, leader of the Frankish army, Europe would most likely be Islam-dominated today.
  • 800

    Charlemagne named Holy Roman Emperor

    Charlemagne named Holy Roman Emperor
    Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne the Holy Roman Emperor of Europe. This marked the century-long intertwining of Church and State, and the constant struggle for power between the the emperor and the pope. Charlemagne followed his crowning with a huge social revolution, which included changes in written language and currency.
  • 1016

    The Danish conquer England

    The Danish conquer England
    Under Cnut the Great, the Danish led a successful invasion of England. After a series of battles, the Danish had "reconquered" the English territory, although for a brief period of time. The final stand, The Battle of Assandun, resulted in a Danish victory over Edmund Ironside and his English troops.
  • 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    In a deciding fight between the Normans and the Anglo-Saxons, England was finally claimed by William. Following the death of Harold Godwinson, leader of the Anglo-Saxons, the Normans successfully completed their invasion of this Western European island.
  • 1158

    Diet of Roncaglia

    Diet of Roncaglia
    After taking over Milan, Frederick Barbarossa I established his rights and powers as leader of Europe. With growing divisions and feudal communities, Frederick aimed to enforce his rules across this newly acquired Italian city. He along with some lawyers determined taxes, tolls, and exactions that regulated trade.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta signed

    Magna Carta signed
    After centuries of "force and will" rule by King John of England and his predecessors, the Magna Carta was signed. King John had just lost huge pieces of territory to King Phillip II of France, and was not popular in regards to the wealthy citizens. His weakening executive power was signed with this document, as citizens' rights were established and totalitarian rule was no longer tolerated.
  • 1273

    Imperial Election of 1273

    Imperial Election of 1273
    In the midst of the Great Interregnum, an election was held to determine the next Roman Emperor. Seven prince electors gathered in Frankfurt to determine the next leader of Europe. Rudolf, of the House of Habsburg, was elected without much opposition. This started the extended reign of the Habsburg family in Europe.
  • 1337

    Hundred Years' War

    Hundred Years' War
    In a series of conflicts between the British and the French, the territories of the Kingdom of France were won over by the French. This war led to increased nationalism for both national identities, as well as increasing tensions between different groups of people. This war created the first standing professional armies of Europe.
  • 1476

    Battle of Morat

    Battle of Morat
    As one of the deciding battles of the Burgundian Wars, the Swiss beat the Burgundians. Charles the Bold, who led the Burgundian army on a revenge tour against the Swiss took some territory. This battle marked the end for the Duchy of Burgundy.