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Egypts uprising

  • How it all started

    How it all started
    Some activists in Egypt were the ones to call for the uprising. The purpose of the uprising was to protest against poverty, unemployment, government corruption, and the rules of president Hosni Mubarak. Hosni Mubarak had been president over Egypt for three decades. Hosni Mubarak was swept from the power of being president in February of 2011.
  • Period: to

    Start to finish

  • Why they wanted change

    Why they wanted change
    The main thing that caused egypt to the protesting stage was Mubarak's decisions, and the way he ran the country, There's a list of things that set them off.
    1. Poverty
    2. raising prices
    3. social exclusion
    3. anger over corruption & personal enrichment
    4. demographic bulge of young people unable to find work. The list kept adding up until egypt broke. Hosni Mubarak wen't too far and Egypt was sick of it. Protesters message was "Game Over!" Refusing to go home until mubarak left the office.
  • The ones against it.

    The ones against it.
    The people most against it were the people fighting Egypt. These people would be the government, police, and military forces. They were the ones trying to put a stop to this uprising. Sadly as a part to stopping the protesting 846 people were killed, and 100,00 people were injured. I think that as the government took over, Egypt didn't know what to do. So they kept on fighting and protesting and as a result, many suffered.
  • The attacks and explosions

    The attacks and explosions
    Militants decided to step up their campain against security forces in egypt by setting off a series of explosions in the Egyption capital, Cairo. Six people were killed and 100 wounded. Hours later, there was said to be three more blasts elsewere in the city killing two more people and injuring severale others. As a response they started blaming those they could, because they weren't sure what else to do. The Attacks came by surprise and they didn't know how to react.
  • President Hosni Mubarak's approach

    President Hosni Mubarak's approach
    It was Feruary 11, 2011 when president Hosni Mubarak steps down from being president. His decision to step down came into place after 18-days of nationwide protests against his nearly 30 years of ruling Egypt.He decided to hand controle over to the supreme military.The military took over, dissolving parliament and suspending the constitution after the uprising. This resulted in hundreds of protesters dead.
  • The major change

    The major change
    President Hosni Mubarak was the main problem that Egypt was faceing. When they weren't facing him as a person, they were facing the problems he created. Lucky for them their protesting worked. They got rid of him. Sadly things didn't exactly get better really fast. They had to deal with the government after they got rid og their president, but their biggest and best change was gettign Mubarak out of office. They at least got that much, which is what they wanted most.
  • The effects it had

    The effects it had
    After alot of protesting and the events and surprises that came along with it Egypt finally ended the uprising and began working to fix things and make them better than they were. Considering that Mubarak was gone it made things a bit easier. When considering protesting against the changes Mubarak made they didn't think things would get as serious as they did. They didn't realize the damage that would be done until it had already happened.
  • The Outcome

    The Outcome
    The army decided and stated that they would not elect a candidate in the upcoming presidential election. It was in March and April that they began clean up and fixing all the destruction that was made. They continued to protest about the way the government was ruling them. Most Egyptions supported the militaries actions, but there were some against it. Mubarak passed his hat down to Vice-President Omar Suleiman and Secretary General Mussa, who rule Egypt hand in hand with the government today.