Period: 12,000 BCE to 30 BCE
Timeline of ancient Egypt
11,000 BCE
Settling in the Nile valley
3249 BCE
the invention of writing
they started writing by using symbols or pictures -
Period: 2700 BCE to 2202 BCE
Old Kindom
durning the old kingdom they bleaved that humans had 2 bodies a physical and spiritual -
2600 BCE
Mummies are people who died and kept to have a home for the soul or spirit -
2330 BCE
Empires of ancient Meaopotamia
Sargon was the first person to create an empire. the empire lasted till 2100 BCE -
2100 BCE
The creation of coffins
they used coffins to help the dead to move into the after world -
Period: 2055 BCE to 1648 BCE
Middle Kindom
1856 BCE
peace and prosperity
as Senusret lll was the king he expanded his territory and during his reign in Egypt it got extremely wealthy and powerful -
Period: 1799 BCE to 1794 BCE
Woman on the throne
1754 BCE
Code of Hammurabi
The code of Hammurabi was criminal laws -
Period: 1550 BCE to 1066 BCE
New Kingdom