Jan 1, 1200
Ramses the Great (Ramses II) built large statues of temples, tombs and himself.
Apr 5, 1370
A ruler named Amenhotep creates a new religion (from polytheistic to monotheistic) with only one god.
Apr 5, 1480
The New Kingdom begins. Hatshepsut comes to power.
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The time the Middle Kingdom existed. The Old Kingdom ends with violence and a new dynasty reigns Egypt. The capital changes to Thebes.
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The time the Old Kingdom existed. Great Pyramids of Giza and The Sphinx were built. King's bodies were mummified for preservation.
Narmer (King of higher Egypt) attacked Lower Egypt and united the two parts. Their capital was Memphis and this was the first of many Egyptian dynasties.
Egypt had 2 large kingdoms
Farmers began to settle in the valley. They grew cereal crops such as wheat and barley.