
Egyptian History

  • 3200 BCE

    The Invention of hieroglyphs

    The Invention of hieroglyphs
    This invention was quickly adapted to represent sounds and letters ( Editors). They developed a type of hieroglyphs by using symbols instead of pictures ( Editors).
  • 3100 BCE

    The geography of Egypt.

    The geography of Egypt.
    The civilization of the old kingdom was focused on the Nile and its delta like the other two kingdoms ( Editors). I think that is pretty cool, depending on a natural resource that God made for them. The northern Egypt was called lower Egypt and the southern was called upper Egypt. ( Editors). The reason why they were called that way was because southern Egypt was upstream of the Nile River, and the northern Egypt was downstream from the Nile River. ( Editors).
  • 3100 BCE

    The Old Kingdom

    The Old Kingdom
    The original Egyptians were descendants of Ham ( Editors). They had a oraganization called, "nome" which mean well in Greek it means law. ( Editors) Egypt's different groups became united by Menes, which was a ruler ( Editors). I think there were six dynasties in the old kingdom.
  • 2700 BCE

    The Invention of Papyrus

    The Invention of Papyrus
    This is a type of paper that they used back then in the Egyptian civilization ( Editors). This writing material was made from papyrus reeds that grew along the Nile river ( Editors).
  • 2270 BCE

    The Egyptians Pyramids.

    The Egyptians Pyramids.
    The pyramids were for the Pharaohs and the people with power as a tomb ( Editors). I bet it took a long time to build a pyramid! The Khufu's pyramid or the great pyramid was built like of 2 1/2 million of blocks, some weighed about 150 tons each ( Editors)! By the time that the six dynasty the Egyptians rulers could't hold the nomes together, this fall made the way for the 1 intermediate period ( Editors). This lasted about 200 years ( Editors).
  • 2079 BCE

    The Middle Kingdom.

    The Middle Kingdom.
    After the death of Pepi II (which he was a Pharaoh) the Pharaohs began losing control over the nobles ( Editors). Menuhotep I was the founder of the eleventh dynasty, he also reunited the country and made his capitol at Thebes ( Editors). The twelfth dynasty was believed to be the most outstanding in the Egyptian history, they also reestablished the capital near Memphis at Ithet-Tawy. ( Editors).
  • 1782 BCE

    The Second Intermediate period

    The Second Intermediate period
    This was the second intermediate period. The thirteenth dynasty was very weak, it wasn't a very stable dynasty ( Editors). Out of this problem came the Hyksos they came from foreign lands.( Editors). Most of them were Asians, and their rule came very slowly into place ( Editors). Many scholars believe that during this time probably where Joseph and Jacob ( Editors).
  • 1441 BCE

    The Oppression

    The Oppression
    Many think that 1441 was the date of Exodus where Thutmose III was Pharaoh, and that Israel's oppression was severe ( Editors). Some believe that Hatshepsut might of been the daughter of Pharaoh, and probably raised Moses ( Editors). When the new Pharaoh came to rule he was worried that the Israelites would take over Egypt ( They put hard labor on them (
  • 1190 BCE

    Twenty Dynasty

    Twenty Dynasty
    After the nineteenth dynasty the next Pharaoh was Ramses III ( Editors). Under his rule they prospered for a while and they achieved international success ( Editors). Then the kings of Israel and Judah had a necessary had relationship with Egypt ( Editors).
  • 945 BCE

    The Pharaoh's of Libya assume control.

    The Pharaoh's of Libya assume control.
    These Pharaoh's of Libya assumed in control more aggressive Asiatic policy was adopted ( Editors). The first Libyan Pharaoh Sheshonq I harbored Jeroboam (which is the son of Nebat) ( Editors). Sheshong invaded and conquered most of Palestine ( Editors).