Egypt Since 1945

  • The Decleration of Establisment

    The Decleration of Establisment
    The Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel by David Ben-Gurion in Tel Aviv. The Egyptians, like most Arabs, consider the State of Israel a creation of Western, specifically British, imperialism and an alien entity in the Arab homeland. The armies of the various Arab states, including Egypt, enter Palestine to save the country for the Arabs against what they consider Zionist aggression. When the war begins, the Egyptian army is poorly prepared and has no plan for coordination wit
  • Suez canal

     Suez canal
    Egypt reopens the canal to shipping and runs it smoothly. It is open to all ships except those of Israel, and it remains open until the June 1967 War (Arab-Israeli war, also known as the Six-Day War). Diplomatic relations between Egypt and Britain are not restored until 1969. Nasser has won a significant victory. The imediate effect is that Britain and France are finally out of Egypt. Nasser goes on to nationalize all other British and French assets in Egypt. The Egyptians now have
  • Syria and Egypt are united

    Syria and Egypt are united
    The hastily conceived union of Syria and Egypt does not last long. There are too many problems to overcome: the two countries are not contiguous, their economies and populations are different, and the Syrian elite deeply resent being made subservient to Egyptian dictates. The deciding factor for the Syrian upper and middle classes comes in July when Nasser issues the so-called "socialist decrees" that call for widespread nationalizations. This is followed by the elimination of local autonomy and
  • Soviets Help Egypt

    Soviets Help Egypt
    The Soviet Union warns Egypt that they have information that the Israelis have mobilized two brigades on the frontier. Nasser reacts by sending troops to the Israeli border, and Syria follows suit. Israel responds by deploying its own forces. It is clear that it will be difficult for Egypt to come to Syria's aid according to the terms of their agreement because of an obstacle--the presence of UNEF troops, stationed on the Egyptian side of the Egyptian-Israeli border since the 1956 War. A great d
  • Antigoverment Riots

    Antigoverment Riots
    Egyptians take to the streets in antigovernment riots that demonstrate their disillusionment with infitah and the nepotism and corruption it has spawned. There is rioting in towns from Aswan to Alexandria, variously described as the biggest upheaval since the 1919 riots against the British, or a second Black Saturday. It is the first time the army has been brought into the streets since 1952. For thirty-six hours, the rioters unleash their pent-up fury on targets that symbolize the yawning gap.
  • Agreement with IMF

    Agreement with IMF
    An agreement is signed with the IMF after intense bargaining and pressure on the IMF by the United States. Because of economic difficulties and mounting debt and deficit, the government since the mid-1980s has had no alternative but to come to terms with the IMF and its creditors. The agreement is considered lenient by IMF standards, although not by the Egyptians. For example, it involves Egypt's agreement to lower its budget deficit to 10 percent of GDP, a ceiling that the government found.
  • Cabinet Shuffle

    Cabinet Shuffle
    The cabinet in the Egyptian goverment is changed and shuffled. When the cabinet is shuffled there when ten new ministers to Hisham Qandil's. The new members are members of the muslim brotherhood. Also a new member of the cabinet was the interior minister Mohamed Ibrahim.
  • Retrial of Hosni Mubarak

    Retrial of Hosni Mubarak
    The former president Hosni Mubarak, his interior minister Habib Al-Adly. The six aides is announced in the case of failing to stop the killing of protetors. In 2011 over 250 protestors were killed. This is why the cabinet was cahnged.
  • Protestors on the second anniversary

    Protestors on the second anniversary
    Protestors against president Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood. The protestors where there on the second aniversary of the overthrow of the goverment. The overthrow took place during January 25 2010. The goverement was overthrown and a new prseident and cabinet were elected active goverening.
  • Killing of football fans

    Killing of football fans
    The chaos in egypt following the sentencing 21 people to death of at least 72 football fans. This was during 2012 match. There were other outbreaks of subsequent violence in the canal cities of Ismailia and Suez. These two outbreaks added to another thirty-three deaths to the already total of 72.