Egypt Since 1945

  • Revolution of 1952

    Revolution of 1952
    A group of dissafected army officers led by Muhammed Naguib and Gamal Abdel Nasser overthrew King Farouk. Popular expectations for immediate reforms led to the worker riots which ended in 2 death sentences.
  • Hasan Al-Banna

    Hasan Al-Banna
    Part of the muslim brotherhood. He was assasinated. I cant really do 4 sentences about this. Actuallly, there you go.
  • Anti-British Riots

    Anti-British Riots
    Atleast 20 people are killed in riots in Cairo.
  • Republic Of Egypt

    Egypt was declared a republic by Najib.
  • Treaty of Friendship

    Treaty of Friendship
    Treaty of friendship was signed between the Soviet Union.
  • Egypt and Syria go to war

    Egypt and Syria go to war
    Egypt and Syria go to war with Israel to reclaim the land the land they lost in 1967. Egypt begins negotiations for the return of Sinai after the war.
  • Assasination

    Anwar al-sadat is assasinated by jihad members.
  • Egypt joins the Arab League.

    Egypt joins the Arab League.
    Exactly what it says happens...
  • Constitutional Reform

    Mubarak promises Deomocratic and Constitutional reformin an address to parlament. Opponents are skeptical. Upsurge in arrest of Muslim Brotherhood
  • Obamas Speech

    Obamas Speech
    Barack Obama makes a speech in Cairo calling for a new beggining between the united states and the muslim wold.