• Jan 1, 1400


    1400 BC-Hatshepsut became pharaoh
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Unified Country

    Unified Country
    1500 BC- Ahmose unified country into one
  • Took control of Delta

    Took control of Delta
    1700 BC- Hyksos rulers took control of Delta region of egypt.
  • Agricultural develpoment

    Agricultural develpoment
    1900 BC- Agricultural development of the Faiyum,
    Earliest parts of Temple of Karnak built,
    Egyptians control Nubia
  • Menes took control

    Menes took control
    2100 BC- Mentuhotep II gained control of entire country, and colided lower and upper egypt into one.
  • Many Kings ruled

    Many Kings ruled
    2200 BC-Many kings ruled egypt during this time period , due to death and unlawfully unfollwed rules.
  • The pyrimid of Giza.

    The pyrimid of Giza.
    2500 BC- The Pyramids of Giza was built in this time period, It was the greatest pyrimid built , hense the name "The great pyrimid of Giza".
  • The first stone pyrimid

    The first stone pyrimid
    2700 BC-The first stone modeled pyrimid was built , it took 2.3 million stones to build and 6.5million tons.
  • Heiroglyphic script

    Heiroglyphic script
    3100 BC- Hieroglyphic script was developed menes unified Upper and Lower Egypt
  • Setteled in Niley Valley

    Setteled in Niley Valley
    3500 BC- The early settlers settled in the Nile Valley