End of the Middle Kingdom, also a time where the Hyksos, people known as "the rulers of foreign lands" moved into Egypt. The Hyksos ruled most of Egypt from 1630 BC to 1523 BC. -
Strong Pharaohs regain control, restoring law and order which marked the beginning of the period known as the Midlle Kingdom. -
By this time the power of the pharaohs has been declined, this marks the end of the period known as the Old Kingdom. -
The largest amongst the pyramids, known as The Great Pyramid located at Giza is completed by this time. -
Eventually, the kingdoms known as Upper and Lower Egypt were united around this time. -
By this time the villages of Egypt were separated and ruled over as two kingdoms known as Upper and Lower Egypt. -
Egyptians began to live in farming villages, this dated to perhaps an even earlier time. These villages had their set of distinguished rituals, gods, and chieftain.