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First straighting comb

By Tamya1
  • Straighting Comb

    Straighting Comb
    In all actuality, the tool was used by French women in 1845 who were trying to replicate the styles worn by the ancient Egyptians.
  • Second Striaght comb

    Second Striaght comb
    It is reported that in 1872 a hairdresser named Marcel Grateau used a pressing comb on his clientele in Paris, who were trying to emulate the straight style of ancient Egyptian hair, but it's not really known exactly who invented the device. Annie Malone was the first to patent a hot comb.
  • straighting Comb

    straighting Comb
    Annie Malone or Madam Walker? The answer is neither. It is reported that in 1872 a hairdresser named Marcel Grateau used a pressing comb on his clientele in Paris, who were trying to emulate the straight style of ancient Egyptian hair, but it's not really known exactly who invented the device.
  • Straighting Comb

    Straighting Comb