
Alan Kotok

  • Birth

    Alan Kotok was born on November 9th, 1941 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Period: to

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Alan enrolled at the MIT, where he earned his Bachelor's and Master's degree in electrical engineering.
  • First Programming Class

    First Programming Class
    In the Spring of 1959, Alan enrolled into the first programming class offered at MIT. The class was taught by the well-known John McCarthy.
  • IBM 704

    IBM 704
    With several of his MIT classmates, Kotok began developing McCarthy's IBM 704 Chess playing program.
  • PDP-1

    In September of 1961, DEC created the second PDP-1 and was given to the Research Laboratory of Electronics(RLE) at MIT. Shortly after this, Kotok became apart of the student staff programming team at RLE who re-wrote the code for Ed Fredkin's FRAP assembler for the PDP-1
  • Spacewar!

    Created the first controllers for the PDP-1 that allowed two people to play Spacewar! side by side.
    Spacewar! 1962
  • DEC Debugging Tape (DDT)

    In 1962, Kotok wrote the DDT program.
  • Digital Equipment Corporation

    Digital Equipment Corporation
    Kotok joined DEC, which cemented the rest of his career in computer programming.
  • PDP-6

    Apart of the team at DEC that designed and developed the PDP-6. Kotok was given the position of assistant logic designer for the project.
  • Clark University

    Clark University
    Kotok received an M.B.A from Clark University
  • Science Advisory Board for Cylink Corp.

    Science Advisory Board for Cylink Corp.
    Became a member of the Science Advisory Board for Cylink Corp.
  • Compaq

    Became a consultant for Compaq
  • Retirement from DEC

    Retirement from DEC
    After a long 34 year career at DEC, Kotok retired from the company.
  • GC Tech Inc.

    GC Tech Inc.
    Kotok became Vice president of marketing for GC Tech Inc.
  • World Wide Web Consortium

    World Wide Web Consortium
    Kotok joined W3C, where he became associate chairman.
  • Birds of a feather meeting

    Birds of a feather meeting
    Kotok coordinated a birds of a feather meeting on Selection of Payment Vehicle for Internet Purchases.
  • Death

    Kotok passed away on May 26, 2006