effects of nationalism on the unification of Germany

  • Creation of the Confederatin of Rhine

    Primary source 1
    The has a positive effect of the people gathering together under nationalism for the confederation
  • German Confederation

    secondary source 1
    Many scholars view this confederation as having a negative affect to the all around nationalism that was more poopular then.
  • Zollverein

    secondary source 2
    The customs of Zollverein promoted marketing therefore spreading culters into wider areas.
  • Otto Von Bismark

    secondary source 3
    Otoo Von Bismark helped promote unification and nationalism through his work in the army (though later his actions would help promote more blood shed).
  • Danish and 7 weeks wars

    Danish and 7 weeks wars
    The wars both were quite short and only evened who owned land out slightly.
  • Northern Germany confederation

    Primary source 2
    A little time after this the south joined them through a litlle bloodshed. This is what happpened when the Northern Germans finally got their act together.
  • Franco-Prussian War

    secondary source 4
    This gave the Germans the push they needed to feel more unified and even with everyone else.
  • Formation of German Empire

    Formation of German Empire
    This required many to work together whether they wanted to or not, therefore forced unification.
  • Emperor

    Primary source 3
    This caused most to rally under him with the feel of nationalism.
  • Germany gets a constitution

    Germany gets a constitution
    Germany was finally together at last as all the people had wanted. Hopefully the constitution would bring about more unification and less fighting inside the country. Hopefully it would postively bring more aggreement with other countries.