
EED 205 Child Development

  • Prenatal- Embryonic Stage (physical)

    Prenatal- Embryonic Stage (physical)
    • Organs and body begin to form and grow.
    • 2-8 weeks.
  • Prenatal – Fetal Stage (physical)

    Prenatal – Fetal Stage (physical)
    • Baby begins to move.
    • Organs start to work.
    • 8 weeks till birth
  • Prenatal- personality develops (Social)

    Prenatal- personality develops (Social)
    • Gene’s pre determine personality traits.
    • Pre-birth.
  • Prenatal- Intelligence develops (cognitive)

    Prenatal- Intelligence develops (cognitive)
    • Intelligence starts to develop and physiological disorders may start to form.
  • Infancy- Vision/smiling/grabbing (physical)

    Infancy- Vision/smiling/grabbing (physical)
    -Babys will smile at 2 months.
    -By six months vision is determined, infant will begin to recognise faces, shapes, and colors.
    -Babys will grab at 3-4 months.
    -Image from
  • Infancy- Walking (physical)

    Infancy- Walking (physical)
    -10 th 18 months from crawling to walking is a huge physical development, also expands childs world.
    -Image from
  • Infancy- Temperments (Social/Personal Development)

    Infancy- Temperments (Social/Personal Development)
    -Temperment is shown and changes.
  • Infancy- Explores with hands and mouth (cognitive)

    Infancy- Explores with hands and mouth (cognitive)
    -Child is getting to know the world through exploring, they will grab things and put it in their mouth.
    -image from
  • Toddlerhood- Empathy (Social/Personal Development)

    Toddlerhood- Empathy (Social/Personal Development)
    -Baby starts to feel for others
    - Image found:
  • Toddlerhood- Growth (Physical)

    Toddlerhood- Growth (Physical)
    -This happens since birth, the child is growing rappidly and gaining weight.
    -image by
  • Toddlerhood- understands (Cognitive)

    Toddlerhood- understands (Cognitive)
    -Child will understand instructions
    -Child will decide weither they will listen or not
    -inage from
  • Toddlerhood- Talking (Cognitive)

    Toddlerhood- Talking (Cognitive)
    -Toddler will be speaking to where you can understand him/her and can put together small sentences.
    -image by
  • Early Years- Body (physical)

    Early Years- Body (physical)
    -Body becomes more active and therefore has less fat and developes more muscals.
    Moter skills continue to increase.
    -3-6 years of age.
    -Image from
  • Early Years- Language (Cognitive)

    Early Years- Language (Cognitive)
    • The child learns new vocabulary and becomes more fluent in terms of language very quickly.
    • The vocabulary becomes more advanced with age. -Between ages 3-6 years old. -Image from
  • Early Years- Identifying Gender (Social/personality Development)

    Early Years- Identifying Gender (Social/personality Development)
    • The child will realize that there is a difference in genders, they will address others according to gender and develope self identity.
    • The child starts depend less on mom and more on peers. -Ages 3-6 years old.
    • Image from
  • Early Years- Morality (Personality)

    Early Years- Morality (Personality)
    -Child learns good and bad based on disiplin and praise given from adults.
    -ages 3-6 years old.
    - Image from
  • Middle Childhood- Growth (physical Development)

    Middle Childhood- Growth (physical Development)
    -image from-
    - growth slows
    - muscles develop
    - Girls grow faster than boys and are usually taller
  • Middle Childhood- Langusge (Cognitive)

    Middle Childhood- Langusge (Cognitive)
  • Middle Childhood- friendships (Social and personality developments)

    Middle Childhood- friendships (Social and personality developments)
    • image from-
    • Popularity becomes important
    • Frienship gives intamacy
    • Friendship has stages
  • Middle Chilehoo- How they view themself (Socila and personality Development)

    Middle Chilehoo- How they view themself (Socila and personality Development)
    • Image from- -Judge themself on outward appearance
    • Important not to get low self-esteem (leads to poor performances)
    • look to peers for comparisons
  • Adolescence- Puberty (physical Development)

    Adolescence- Puberty (physical Development)
    -image from:
    -Girls and boys hit puberty at different times
    -Girls and boys experience different a process (see image)
    -Girls are 11-12 when they hit puberty boys slightly older at 13-14
  • Adolescence- relationships with peers (Social Development)

    Adolescence- relationships with peers (Social Development)
    • Image from:
    • Popularity is very important
    • Peers judge and have a big influence on what the teen thinks of herself/ himself.
    • Self-esteem is typically low ather problems can arouse.
  • Adolescence- Sexuality (Social/personality Development)

    Adolescence- Sexuality (Social/personality Development)
    • Image from:
    • Dating is very important
    • Relationship reflects on self image
    • Relationship status reflects on social views and how peers precieve you
  • Adolescence- Information processing (Cognitive Development)

    Adolescence- Information processing (Cognitive Development)
    • Image from:
    • The was teens think changes over time and they are able to answer more challenging questions.
    • Teens are able to better think hypothetically.