President John Adams / Legislative leader 1797-1801
John Adams was the second president of the United States and one of his jobs as president was legislature leader. John Adams worked with the Federalist congress to pass the Alien and Sedition acts that made it easier to deport foriegners and harder for immigrants to vote. -
President Thomas Jefferson/ Party Leader 1801-1809
Thomas Jefferson was the third President of the United states and one of his roles as president was party leader . He was considered a good party leader because he was involved with congress a lot and was considered to be the nations first oppostion political party. -
President John Tyler/ Economic leader 1841-1845
John Tyler was the tenth President and as President he was responcible for the United Sates bill's. Mening he could veto, Which means to not pass the bill and congress could over ride this descion with a two-third vote they could sign for it to pass .John Tyler also raised tariffs as a part of the distrubution act of 1841. Tyler had vetoed two bills passed by congress as well. -
President Abraham Lincoln/Commander -in- Chief 1861-1865
Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth Presidnt and one of his jobs as President was Commander in Chief. The reason he was a good commander in chief was because he was involved with the military alot. As Commander in Chief he was a huge part of the Civil war, because of the civil war he had to increase the funding for the military, he also had to increase the size of his military. During the civil war he called Martial Law, Martial Law is a state of Military authority, when there is war or choas. -
President Theodore Roosevelt/ Chief Executive 1901-1909
Theodore Roosevelt was the twenty-sixth President and as President one of his roles was Chief Executive. When Theodore became president the population in the United States had grown a lot. So as President of the United States Theodore felt that he needed to make sure that there was social justice and government and economic opportunity for the citizens that President Thedore was representing. -
President Franklin D. Roosevelt/Head of State1933-1945
http://www.history.com/topics/dust-bowl/videos/fdrs-fireside-chat-on-dust-bowl#Franklin D.Roosevelt was the thirty second President and as Presidet one of his roles was head of state. Roosevelt was one of the firts president to really communicate with his citizens in The United States by using the radio. One of the names they used was 'Fire Side Chats' which was what they called it when he spoke to them over the radio. -
President Jimmy Carter/Chief Excutive1977- 1981
http://jimmycarter.freeservers.com/about.htmlJimmy Carter was the thirty-ninth president of the United States and one of the Presidents job is Chief Executive, which are legally binding orders . As Chief Executive Jimmy Carter was allowed to give Executive orders. In this photo he is writing an executive order that allowed administrative functions into the presidents executive office. -
President Ronald Reagan/ Chief Diplomat 1981-1989
http://reagan.civiced.org/lessons/president-and-foreign-policyRonald Reagan was the forieth president of the United States as president he had the role of Cheif Diplomat and the Chief Diplomats job is to deal with forign countries wether its with trade or to sign a treaty. Ronald Reagan in his seconfd term met with General Secretary Gorbachev several times to decrease the worry that was brought by the cold war. In this picture he is meeting with the General Secretary Gorbachev.