Adventures of edward snowden

Edward Snowden

  • Snowden leaves U.S.

    Snowden leaves his comfortable life behind in the U.S. to Hong Kong.
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    Edward Snowden

  • Guardian journalists meet up with Snowden

    Glenn Greenwald and Ewen MacAskill and documentary maker Laura Poitras fly to Hong Kong to meet with Snowden for a week of interviews.
  • Video is filmed

    Guardian Interview with Edward Snowden A video in which Snowden reveals many top secret methods that the government is using to monitor the public.. He reports that the government is collecting phone records from millions of verizon customers. He also mentions PRISM, an NSA codename which collected online date from various major internet companies
  • Story Breaks

    "The Guardian" as well as "The Washington Post" break news of the Snowden whistleblowing.
  • Obama Speaks

    Obama claims that the United States intelligence gathering is "the right balance" between security and privacy.
  • Snowden Recognized

    Snowden is named as the source of the intelligence leaks and he explains why he went public.
  • FBI Director Robert Mueller Speaks

    He tells congress that the US will hunt down Snowden and prosecute him.
  • March for Snowden

    Hong Kong citizens in favor of Snowden's actions marched to urge government support of Snowden.
  • Snowdens Father Speaks

    Lon, Snowdens father, speaks out in a public statement begging his son not to commit treason
  • The Guardian Breaks More News

    :Top secret documents published by show how US judges have signed off on broad orders allowing the government to make use of information "inadvertently" collected from domestic US communications.
  • The US Files Espionage Charges

    They also request that Hong Kong detain him for extradition.
  • Hong Kong to Russia

    Snowden gets on a flight to Russia,
  • Asylum Requested

    Snowden requested political asylum in Russia. Putin told him if he wants to stay then he should stop telling U.S. information.
  • The Guardian Releases 2nd Part of Original Video

    In this video Snowden claims that the U.S. is "going to say I have committed grave crimes, I have violated the Espionage Act. They are going to say I have aided our enemies" (The Guardian)
  • Greenwald Speaks

    Greenwald reports that Snowden told him that he did not tell China or Russia any U.S. secrets.
  • Snowden Granted Asylum

    Snowden leaves the airport after receiving temporary asylum in Russia that expires on July 31, 2014.
  • Obama cancels meeting

    It was believed to be due to the tension caused over Snowden.