Explosion of Munition ship levels Halifax, Nova Scotia
The SS Mont-Blanc was a French cargo ship laden w/ high explosives that collided w/ the Norwegian vessel SS Imo in the Narrows (a strait that falls btwn the Halifax Harbor and Bedford Basin. -
Explosion of Munitions ship story
During the time of the explosion, Dr. Edward S. Van Duyn was awaiting the orthodox Thursday truckload of patients at his office. He was sitting back in his chair thinking how he should go abt quieting the screams of the wounded w/o raising suspicion. Then all of a sudden, his nurse comes bursting through the door yelling abt how there were two ships that exploded in the Narrows....and EVERYONE DIED!! Duyn was so happy he took a week vacation bc he wasn't going to get a truck on Thursday. -
U.S. Declares war on Austria-Hungary
Woodrow Wilson requested the declaration and was enacted by the House of Representatives in a vote 365-1, and by the Senate in a vote of 74-0. Austria-Hungary's foreign minister claimed that the declaration would not change the outcome of the war, but only hurt Austrians living in America. -
U.S. Declaration of War story
"Yes! Finally! We finally declared war on Austria-Hungary!" Dr. Duyn exclaims as he reads the Daily Dead Times. He ran out of his office to tell the nurse. "You know how much more business we'll get now?! We're gonna be famous. Maybe our survival rate will rise to 8%! You have any idea how great that will be?" Dr. Duyn was so excited. His nurse was not though..."Does that mean I have to worko overtime? I mean, I am the only nurse that works here." Dr. Duyn responds, "Yes, exactly." -
Jerusalem surrenders to Britsh Troops
After a single day of fighting Jerusalem gave Britain complete access and because of their compliance the British swore not to inflict anymore harm on the city and respect their religious beliefs. The success of the peaceful surrender gave hope to the allied forces. -
1st report of Influenza
The disease known as the "Spanish Flu", spreads through Camp Funston in Kansas. It is carried from the U.S. on ships to the Western Front in Europe. Over the next year, 550,000 Americans die and 20 million worldwide. -
Influenza Story
At the time of the discovery of Influenza, Dr. Duyn was making his way around his office once again while watching 2 plumbers try to sound proof his office door. They were having trouble figuring out how to put a pipe fitting on a door when Duyn's nurse come's running it saying "He know what they have now! It's called the Spanish Flu, or Influenza for short." Duyn says "I knew the Spaniards were up to something...just give the patients some morphine-they won't feel a thing." His nurse leaves. -
Communist Revolt in Berlin
Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg led the Spartacist uprising. This was an attempt to overthrow the postwar government and start a socialist revolution in Berlin. This was an attempt at getting rid of communism. -
Communist Revolt Story
Dr. Duyn was in his office, reading the paper as usual when his nurse came running in. "They're trying to put an end to communism in Berlin!" Duyn says flatly, "No, nursey this does not mean you get a raise." Nursey responds, "well sir I wasn't really asking for one, but..." "How many times do I have to say it your're not getting a raise! My goodness lady." Nursey walks out of the room rather confused. -
Start of Peace Negotiations in Paris
The conference was called to establish the terms of the peace after World War I. Though nearly thirty nations participated, the representatives of the conference, the United Kingdom, France, the United States, and Italy became known as the “Big Four.” -
Peace Negotiations Story
Dr. Duyn was sitting back in his office chair playing paddle ball when his nurse knocked on the door. Nursey walks in and shows him the paper saying "They're making peace agreements!" Dr. Duynreponds saying "WHAT?! That's terrible! How are we gonna be able to keep our business going with them makin' friends over there in Europe?!" "I don't know, sir." says Nursey. Dr. Duyn sent a letter to the president regarding his business, but it was later returned with a big ol' "DENIED" stamp on the front. -
Peace Conference Accepts Idea of League of Nations
A conference in Paris discussed whether the treaty in Versailles would be worth the sacrifices made by the Allied & Central powers. While they were discussing ways to keep the peace the idea of a LoN popped up several times. As Woodrow Wilson put it “(a) general association of nations... for the purpose of affording mutual guarantees of political independence and territorial integrity to great and small states alike.” would be crucial to his plan for lasting peace.