Joins CBS
Murrow joins CBS as the Director of Talks and Eductaion in 1935 and stayed with CBS for his entire career. This is from. http://www.biography.com/people/edward-r-murrow-9419104 -
Murrow goes to London
Murrow goes to London to serve as CBS European director.
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Murrow gets his first glimpse of fame
Churchill makes Murrow Director-Gen of BBC
Murrow so closely cooperated with the British that in 1943 Winston Churchill offered to make him joint director-general of the BBC.
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Murrow returns to the U.S.
CBS hosts a dinner in his honor at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. 1,100 guests were present at the dinner. This dinner was broadcasted by CBS.
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Murrows visits Buchenwald concentration camp in Germany.
Murrow and Bill Shadel were the first reporters Buchenwald concentration camp. He then met a survivor named Petr Zenkl. Murrows report later read "I pray you to believe what I have said about Buchenwald. I have reported what I saw and heard, but only part of it. For most of it I have no words.... If I've offended you by this rather mild account of Buchenwald, I'm not in the least sorry."
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Murrow rulctantly accepted Paley's offer to become Vice President of the network
Murrow became Vice President of the network and head of CBS news.
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Case for the Flying Saucers
In 1950, Murrow narrated a half-hour radio documentary called "The Case for the Flying Saucers".
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Murrow begins his Television Career.
In the 1950's Murrow started his television career by appearing in editorial tailpieces on the CBS Evening News.
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Murrow launches a second weekly T.V.
Murrow laucnes a show with weekly celeberties called Person to Person.
This is from http://www.biography.com/people/edward-r-murrow-9419104