Educational Technology From the Years 2010 to 2020.

  • Period: to

    Evolution of Education Technology

  • National Education Technology Plan of 2010

    National Education Technology Plan of 2010
    The National Education Technology Plan 0f 2010 (NETP) called for revolutionary transformation rather than evolutionary tinkering. The outcome of this plan, was to work together and redesign tech structures and processes for effectiveness, efficiency, and flexibility. Creating standards and learning objectives.
  • Skype in the Classroom

    Skype in the Classroom
    Allowing students around the world to interact and learn together! Virtual fieldtrips to museums, the zoo or national monuments can now occur in the classroom.
  • Automation, Artificial Intelligence & Education

    Automation, Artificial Intelligence & Education
    Through adaptive learning, automated assessment and intelligent tutoring systems, AI can assess a students answer, then can follow up with the "next best" question aimed at the right level of difficulty.
  • ConnectED Program

    ConnectED Program
    With so many students lacking in web access, President Obama created ConnectED, a program designed to connect 99 percent of America's public schools to the Internet within five years.
  • Wifi Speeds and Connectivity Increase

    Wifi Speeds and Connectivity Increase
    As the affordability of tablets and netbooks decrease, WiFi speeds and connectivity continue to drastically transform the way students and teacher learn! Funding through the Federal Government is making this transformation in schools and libraries possible.
  • Online Language Learning

    Online Language Learning
    In 2015, online language learning became the top selling learning product type globally.
  • Personalized Learning Through Tech

    Personalized Learning Through Tech
    Here, teachers are able to provide a more personalized learning experience for their students. Students can receive live feedback as well as choosing how they learn as well as being in an environment that suits them.
  • Data Privacy and Security

    Data Privacy and Security
    As more and more students and teachers are using tech from home and their devices they bring to school, schools pay more attention to privacy and security. Safeguards are put into place and school teacher and administrators are trained to know how all information gathered is tracked.
  • Virtual/Mixed Reality

    Virtual/Mixed Reality
    Virtual and mixed reality is one of the most important trends of 2018. Mixed reality brings a fun new technology in force through an exciting way of learning. Experiencing lessons in a different way or traveling to the past or future through a headset and interactively letting students work with physical elements.
  • The Digital Divide Begins to Crumble

    The Digital Divide Begins to Crumble
    In 2020, equal access to tech increased significantly as most school districts wanted a laptop or at least a tablet in their students hands. Schools could no longer pretend that these resources weren't needed as it was vital for their communities and states future.
  • Smart Boards Re-Born!

    Smart Boards Re-Born!
    In 2019, smartboards had been around for 30 years. The technology greatly increased through the years, by 2019, their price decreased. By being interactive for different types of learners they accommodate the entire class and because of their cost, school districts made the investment!