educational technology 2010 to 2020

  • VR headset

    VR headsets become more popular and introduced in schools. It allowed for students to see and learn information in their own virtual world so that they could learn it more precise and easier. It was used in schools especially in art to examine colors so that they could see it better and see it as if it was in front of their face.
  • siri

    Siri was used in schools especially for educational audiobooks, where instead of reading, classes would listen to Siri read the book so that they could comprehend it better. Siri was also used for scheduling timers or activities that the teachers or students wanted. It was more commonly used for students so that they wont forget to do their homework or any educational activity.
  • 3D Printer

    3D Printer was used in classrooms especially in art and designs. It was a advancement in technology where students were able to create art in 3D instead of just on paper. It was also used for classrooms learning experiences like teaching aids where you could build things like the solar system.
  • Samsung Galaxy Gear

    A watch that was created to act like a phone or tablet. This was used in classrooms especially for teachers so that they could set timers and see notes that they had written down while just looking at their wrists rather then using flash cards or walking to their desk. This was a impactful time for teachers and how they started using technology to teach.
  • digital textbooks

    digital textbooks were created and was probably the most impactful creation for schools. Students could buy a book via digital and because of this they could read anywhere and any time. They could also mark where they were and did not have the possibility of losing the book since it is online and you can download it again.
  • Real-time voice translation

    This was used in classrooms especially for students who did not know the common language. Whenever a teacher had a student who did not understand what they were teaching because they did not speak the same language, they would use voice translation to help the student understand it so they could learn.
  • Versal

    This was an app created to help teachers give full courses online using live videos, downloads and other stuff. It was used to give tests using multiple choice or short response questions. It also had educational games to help the student learn the material and to help them understand it when they are confused on a matter.