Educational Tech

  • Tablets

    Starting off the evolution of Educational Technology is here with tablets being introduced in the early 21st century. This allowed teachers and students to make a lot more progress in the classroom rather than just using pencil/pen and paper.
  • Instagram

    With this app coming out, it allowed a lot more socialization throughout different schools, cities, and states.
  • 3D Printing

    3D Printing
    This allowed print outs to be more physical and visual for students to be more interactive. This was big for teachers.
  • Virtual Learning

    Virtual Learning
    Once Virtual Learning became more of a normal thing, it allowed a lot more conveniences between teachers, students, parents, etc.
  • Chromebook

    This allowed a lot more organization, production and progress through the years of involving this educational tech.
  • Google Classroom

    Google Classroom
    In 2014, Google Classroom was introduced. There are a lot of progressions this made for schools and teachers as far as planning, tracking, and even just keeping things more organized.
  • iPad Add-ons

    iPad Add-ons
    Add on's such as "Osmo" and "Tiggly Toys" were big for young students to become more involved within the learning process on the tablets.
  • Google Cardboard

    Google Cardboard
    This allowed people to use and experience virtual reality throughout the mobile phone. This allowed people to have a convenient and educational experience.
  • Blended Learning

    Blended Learning
    This had to do with the combination of traditional classroom methods being blended with technology based learning and lessons.
  • AR Powered E Book

    AR Powered E Book
    This was a big progression as this allowed paper books to be turned into eBooks. This makes book reading a lot more convenient.
  • Ed Tech Apps

    Ed Tech Apps
    The creation of Education Technology apps was a major improvement for students and teachers. This allowed a lot more practice for students.
  • Zoom

    In 2019 when the pandemic was current, Zoom was the biggest resource for meetings, class, etc.