Educational psychology

  • 6 BCE

    Plato and Aristotle

    Plato and Aristotle
    Discussed educational psychology topics: kinds of education appropriate to different kinds of people; training of the body and the cultivation of psychomotor skills; formation of good character; possibilities and limits of moral education; effects of music, poetry, and the other arts on the development of the individual; role of the teacher; the relations between teacher and student; means and methods of teaching; nature, order and affect of learning.
  • 5 BCE


    Advantages conferred by schooling and the influence of the home on learning
  • 100


    During Roman times, Quintilian argued in favor of public rather than private education to preserve democratic ideals
  • 1531

    Juan Luis Vives

    Juan Luis Vives
    He stated to teachers and others with educational responsibilities, such as those in government and commerce, that there should be an orderly presentation of the facts to be learned.
  • Comenius (1592-1671)

    Comenius (1592-1671)
    Humanist writing at the beginning of the modern era, also influenced both educational and psychoeducational thought.
  • Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841)

    Johann Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841)
    Considered the first voice of the modern era of psychoeducational thought. wrote about what we now call schema theory, advocating a cognitive psychology featuring the role of past experience and schemata in learning and retention.
  • Joseph Mayer Rice (1857- 1934)

    Joseph Mayer Rice (1857- 1934)
    Father of research on teaching. Rice endured great difficulties for his beliefs just a few years before the experimental psychology of E. L. Thorndike was deemed aceptable
  • William James (1842-1910)

    William James (1842-1910)
    Central figure in the establishment of psychology in America. argued against the elementalism of the Europeans, giving us the notion that consciousness was continuous-a stream-and not easily divisible. Moreover, and still more startling, he said consciousness chooses-it controls its own attention.
  • G. Stanley Hall (1844-1924)

    G. Stanley Hall (1844-1924)
    Founder of the child-study movement. Hall was APA's organizer and its first president, founding the first English language psychology journal, the American Journal of Psychology. But Hall also founded the second English language psychological journal in America. Hall is credited with starting American developmental psychology in general and the child study movement in particular
  • John Dewey (1859-1952)

    John Dewey (1859-1952)
    Argued that what held together stimuli and their responses were the interpretations given to both, thus putting consciousness, attribution, and constructivist views squarely before the emerging stimulus response (S-R) psychologists of that time.
  • Edward Lee Thorndike (1874-1947)

    Edward Lee Thorndike (1874-1947)
    Believed that only empirical work should guide education based on experimental psychological science and statistics.