School leaving age was introduced and was 10
School leaving age raised to 14
Education (Provision of Meals) Act of 1906
The act allowed local authorities to offer school meals, but did not make it a requirement. -
1944 Education Act
Introduced the tripartite system and the 11+ exam. In attempt to assign children to a secondary modern, technical or grammar school based on their abilities. Argued that this legitimised and reproduced class inequality. -
Comprehensive system
Aimed to overcome the class divide of the tripartite system and to make education more meritocratic. -
School leaving age raised to 16
WISE started
The WISE Campaign (Women into Science and Engineering) encourages women and girls to value and pursue science, technology, engineering and maths-related courses in school or college -
1988 Education Reform Act (ERA)
Introduced by the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher. Marketisation was a central theme of the policy. -
Creation of Education Action Zones
Started by Tony Blair's Labour government and it provided schools in certain areas with more funding and resources. -
Sure Start began
Sure Start is a Programme targeted at parents and children under the age of four living in the most disadvantaged areas. Sure Start projects deliver a wide variety of services which are designed to support children's learning skills, health and well-being, and social and emotional development. -
National Literacy Strategy began
Started a daily "literacy hour" in primary schools. -
Education Maintenance Allowancea (EMAs) started
Payments to working class students aged 16-19 who are in full time education. Aimed to keep them in education and studying rather than working. -
Creation of free schools and academies
Created by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government. -
Introduction of Pupil Premium
Pupil premium is a sum of money given to schools each year by the Government to improve the attainment of disadvantaged children. -
School leaving age raised to 18