Educational Advances and Fall backs of The 20th Century

  • West Virginia Board of Education V. Barnette

    Jehovah's Witnesses not obligated to salute the flag in school.
  • Changes In Education

    Educational Revolution begins in China.
  • Brown V. Board of Education

    The segregation of black and white schools was deemed unconstitutional.
  • Peaceful Danger

    Columbian soliders shoot at peaceful college student protesters. 13 students were killed.
  • Little Rock 9

    Nine African American students were enrolled in Little Rock Elementary School. The racial Governor of Arkansas barred their entrance into school. They returned to school on this date.
  • Engel V. Vitale

    This was a landmark case for school prayer. It was deemed unconstitutional for state officials to compose an official school prayer and encourage its recitation.
  • Tinker V. Des Moines

    This was a landmark case for education during the Vietnam War. It was deemed constitutional to express your thoughts and feelings through clothing in school during the war.
  • Board of Education V. Pico

    The Supreme Court ruled that the school has limited power to ban library books in schools.
  • Higher Education Act Revised

    The Higher Education Act was revised to require "report cards" to be sent home with the children.
  • First Mass School Shooting

    Columbine was the first mass school shooting in U.S history. Two young boys came to school and killed 12 students and 1 teacher. After the shooting both boys committed suicide.