1635 - Boston Latin School
The Boston Latin School was the first school to open in the thirteen colonies. Considered to be the nation's oldest public school, this school shaped the future for schools all around the nation. -
1635 - First "Free School"
The first free school in Virginia is opened in 1635. Typically, most education was done by parents or only if the family could afford tutors to teach their kids. -
1785 - Thomas Jefferson's Idea
After the Revolutionary War, Thomas Jefferson had the idea that there should be a public education system. Supported by taxpayer dollars, it would be generally open for all. -
Mid-1800s - Academics
Academics become the main focus and priority of public schools. -
1867 - Federal Department of Education
The federal Department of Education was founded in 1867, helping establish a national standard for education. -
1960-1970s - Anti-Discrimination Acts
Throughout the 60s and 70s, many different acts were passed to get rid of discrimination in public schools. These acts covered race, gender, and disabilities.