First Education Law
This law required all settlements to asertin if the children of their area where getting education and what was being taught. If the 50 or more households they had to provide a teacher, and if they had 100 or more households they had t provide a school. -
Noah Webster's Blue-backed Speller **Most Important**
Blue-backed SpellerNoah Webster wrote and published the first Speller, a text book that taught students to read, spell, and pronounce words.It was called "A Grammatical Institute of the English Language". He was an advicate for free schools. He was a natural revolutionist, hedevelpoped the reader to provide an intelectual foundation for American Nationalism. He wanted to rescue our native toung. He was called the Father of Scolarship and Education. -
Northwest Ordinance
This ordinance set up the division of land in eachtownship. land was divided into equal parts for townships and then subdivided into smaller parcles for landowners. One parcle of land in each township was set aside for a school. -
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Common Schools
This is the start of public schools that are the same throughout the states. These schools would be free to all atudents. This was started by Horance Mann. He said that schools could be the great leveling force. -
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Mass Migration
Schools became compolsary and the number of teachers skyrocketed to over 300 thousand. Some problems arose due to religion being taught in th schools. New immigrants for outside of England were catholic and didn't like the bashing of different races taught in schools. Schools became more sectullar. -
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Progressive education
Progressive Education was a whole child form of education. Students were taught and allowed to have time to play as well. -
Commitee of Ten
Ten representatives of higher education came together to standardize the high school currculum. They wanted 12 years of education, with 8 years of elementary school and 4 years of high school. -
John Dewey **Most Important!**
Founder of the progressive Education. He wanted the whole child educated. He wanted real world education, where students were taught things that they would need to know in their world. He wanted kids to be thaught things that were intresting to them. -
Brown vs Board of Education **Most Impotant**
History- Brown vs Board of Education This was a Supreme Court decision that desegragated the schools. It was the catylist that started the Civil Rights movement. This decision caused many black educators and administrators to lose their jobs. -
Sputnik **Most Important**
Sputnic on EducationThe launch of this Russian satilite was a catylist for education reform in the US. The government decided that we needed to change our curriculm in math and science. We needed to teach the structure of these subjects, teach the major concepts and methods of inquiry. -
LBJ's legacy The war on poverty
In the State of the Union address president Johnson stated he want to reduce the poverty rate. One of the areas that he felt could help to lower poverty was the educatin system. He wnted to increase governments role in education. One of the programs that we still have to day is the Head Start program. -
Elementary and Secondary Educaation Act.
This was part of president Johnsons war on poverty. It offered grants to districts severing low income students. it created special education centers and scolarships for low income college students. It also provided grants to improve the quality of elementary and secondary schools. -
A Nation at Risk
Nation at RiskThe imparitive for education reform. This was a report given on the need for education reform. It is concidered a landmark event in modern education. It stated that Amereican schools were failing. It caused many stated to start school reforms. It called for 5 new basic for students graduating from high school. Improving teacher quality was at the top of the list of thing to do. Raising the standards for college entrance was another. Increasing the time in the classroom yet another. -
Individuals with Disabilities Act
President Bush sign this act into law on this day but it was started back in 1975 and has stayed about the same for all these years. It stated that students with disabilities are provided with free aproprate public education that is tailored to their own needs. It also says that schools must provide students with disabilities the same opertunities for education as a student who does not have a disibility. -
No Child Left Behind
Signed into law by prident Bush No Child Left Behind required all schools recieving federal funding to give state wide standerdized testing annualy to all students to insure adequate progress. If schools do not show progress they then need to have a plan to bring the school up to their goal. Schools need to have "high quality" teachers as well.