Period: to
The Common School
In the thirteen original colonies, not all settlements were required to build schools, only the large towns. Not all of these schools were public, but more importantly, not all of these schools were free..... -
Average Lifetime School Attendance: 82 days
Education Proposal
This proposal attpemted to require at least three years of schooling for all children. Girls got three years to prepare them for marriage and often times boys went onto more schooling; slaves got nothing. Jefferson also proposed sending farmers to college, but many congressmen pu-pued the idea. -
University of Virginia
Jefferson started the Universty of Virginia, the first state school. -
BlueBack Speller
Noah Webster created this textbook about America. This later turned out to be the forerunner for Webster's Dictionary. -
Period: to
Horace Mann, Sen. from MA, Majority Leader
Horace visited over one thousand schools, assessed and reported their conditions, and created plans for improving those in need. He was the crusader for public education funded by the government, who thought that education was the equilizer of all men. -
System built on Equity
The system was built on equity, supported by taxes and fees. -
Average Time of attendance: 4 months
Massachusettes -
Average Cost of Education Per Pupil: $2.81
Massachusettes -
Period: to
Attempt to Educate Blacks
If blacks attempted a school education, they were punished in the South. In the north, however, there were segragated schools. -
Bible Riots In Philadelpia
This was part of the education war; every religion wanted their own governemtn funded school, but that would be been too costly of a logistical nightmare. -
Petition to Boston School Syste,
This petition was attempting to desegragate schools. -
Average Time of Attendance: 7 months
Massachusettes -
Average Cost of Education Per Pupil: $4.80
Massachusettes -
Sarah Roberts wants a closer school!
Not sure on the year, but Sarah Roberts was assigned to Smith School, a black school far from her home. Her father did not like this situation, so he tried to get her into a school closer to their home. Sarah father, on her behalf, sued the city of boston, after which the supreme court of MA rand Justice Shaw uled against Sarah.
Lawyer: Charles Sumner -
Newly free slaves tired to go to school; there were SO many of them -
US Expenditures On Education
$63 million -
Public Enrollment: 7.6 million students
Per Pupil Expenditure: $8.29 -
US Expenditures On Education
$141 million -
Public Enrollment: 12.7 million
Per Pupil Expenditure: $11.10 -
More US students going to school than in any other country
Schools were still segragated, but blacks had to make their own system. -
Period: to
22 Million people Immgrate to the United States
3 million of those are children, needing to go to school -
Cited Shaw, claiming that separate can be equal -
Children in School: 50%
80% of children working in factories said they would rather be working than in school -
Average Schooling: 5 years
Graduating 17 year olds: 6%
Roughly 2 million kids working in US
Roosevelt's Campaign for English
He campaigned for an English only curriculum in an attempt to unite the country -
Burning Buchs
After the war, students in Chicago burned their textbooks written in Deutsch -
Students from Southern Italy
In the 1920's Southern Italians were struggling in the American School System, two thirds of them never continued past 8th grade -
Schools Spent: $1 billion
Graduating 17 year olds: 17%
Period: to
Henry Ford and Steno Girls
Period: to
Elwood P. Coverly
Stated that the one size fits all theory of education is outdated, introduced the career tracking system -
Louis Terman- IQ Test
Louis used the test to decide who got a desk and who got a trench when it came to war time.
Kids were first tested at age 5, but it was said that interlligence was set at age 10
kid were categorized by their test scores and set up for a career track at a young age -
Law Passed: NO Kids working!
Kids must be in school until 16 years old
Period: to
American Service Men
The men with the more hazardous jobs were typically the ones with the lower IQ scores or minorities. -
1940's SAT Istituted
Scholastic Aptitude Test -
Post WWII: Children stayed in school longer
Graduating 17 year olds: 45%
Period: to
School Becomes Center of Social Life For Teens
School becomes a very social place, educators start to worry about reaching the students with average intelligence. -
Period: to
The fear of war was so severe that Intellectual thought started to wane around this time and dictated what schools could teach. -
Life Adjustment Education
This type of education was for those who were not college bound, but also not good at any particular vocation. -
Brown v. Board of Education
Cited Sumner from 1840's -
National Defense Education Act
Money was sent to fund public education. Schools could start teaching high level math and science. The US could now stand a chance to comepete in the SPACE RACE! -
Almost all kids are emrolled in school
More than 85% graduated, and most of those went on to college -
Period: to
Schools had to compete in a Business-Driven world
Period: to
Reagan Painted a Different Picture of the Education System
He said that schools were failing, there was a learning crisis, and he wanted to make it a more competitive system. -
Middle School Students had to choose a school to go to.
It was an open market of schools; If one students leaves School A for School B, School B would try to get better so as to retain more students -
Higher Graduation Requirements
35 states had new requirements -
Annual cost of Standardize Testing: $500 Million
East Harlem was out-performing half the schools in the district
They had smaller, more personalized schools. -
Bush I: Vouchers
Milwalkee had the first legislation about vouchers. Students could attend private schools at tax payer expense. -
Period: to
Homeschooling ERA
Period: to
More than 200 Shooting Deaths In United States
New York: Students could attend any school in the district
Not much competition! -
TesseracT: Educational Alternatives, Inc.
Created a new, high tech system for education. -
Bill Clinton- Benchmark Testing
Expansion considered about Religious Schools
Argued that vouchers to Religious Schools would violate the separation of church and state. Turned into a HUGE debate! -
Cleveland, Ohio: First place to allow vouchers to Relgious Schools
1,500 Students in voucher program
Christian Right fought hard for Homeschooling
Wisconsin Schools moved to Religious School vouchers
With this change, there were 6,000 students using vouchers, even though three quarters of them were already going to their schools before the vouchers. -
One Quarter of schools Showed Channel 1
These were commericals geared toward teens in return for funding given to the schools. -
Homeschooled in America: 2.5%
Students Using Publically Funded Vouchers: .03%
Charter Schools Run By For-Profit Companies: 173
Total Charter Schools: 2,100
Regular Education Schools: more than 90,000
Limited Voucher Programs in: Milwalkee, Cleveland, Florida
Total Enrollment in United States: 47.8 Million
Students Attending Public Schools: Almost 90%