Education in the United States: Historical Roots

By crssms
  • Roots of Educational System Established

    During the Colonial Period, the roots of the American education system were established. The philosophers that helps change the fundamentals of education included Comenius, Locke, Rousseau, and Pestalozzi
  • Virginia Governor Against Free Education

    In 1671, the governor of Virginia rallied against free education and books stating that education was leading to disobedience.
  • Academy of Philadelphia Opened

    Benjamin Franklin opened the Academy of Philadelphia. This school focused on practical needs of Americans including math, navigation, astronomy, bookkeeping, logic, and rhetoric. Students were allowed to select elective courses from a menu which is still in practice in modern schools today.
  • Land Ordinance

    In order to tax American citizens, the Land Oridnance was implemented to allow the federal government to provide support to states for schools and education.
  • Constitution removes formal religion from schools and establishes state responsibility in education

    When the U.S. Constitution was written, they included an establishment clause that disallowed the federal government from passing legislation to establish an official religion. We refer to this establishment clause as "separation of church and state".
  • Common School Movement

    This movement was an attempt to make education available to all children, not just the wealthy ones.
  • Compulsory School Attendance Law

    In 1852, Horace Mann influenced Massachusetts to become the leader in American education. His legacy was the idea that public education (common schools) was the right of all citizens, not only the families that could afford education for their children.
  • 50% of American Children Enrolled

    Almost half of the American children were enrolled in school by 1865
  • State Education Departments and Appoint State Superintendents

  • NJ Eliminates Requirement for Parent Pay Education

    New Jersey was the last state to life their requirement that parent's pay for their children's education. States taxed citizens to support public schools and elementary were established as a cornerstone of our country's educational system.
  • Tuskegee Institute Established

    Booker T. Washington established Tuskegee Institute. He used a hands on approach, practical training, and economic cooperation with whites.
  • Boarding Schools Built

    Government built boarding school for Native American children to help Americanize the children.
  • Committee of Ten Appointed

    National Education Association appointed The Committee of Ten to examine and make recommendations based on HS curriculum. The committee determined that students that planned on attending college needed more college level content and teaching methods.
  • First Middle School Opened

    The first middle school (junior high) opened in Columbus, OH.
  • Reorganization and Cardinal Principles

    In 1918, NEA appointed a second commission to address non-college bound students and ensuring their needs were being met to find skill based employment. Commission on the Reorganization of Secondary Education created the Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education which expanded curriculum to include basic and vocational skills, health, home membership, civic education, use of leisure time and character.
  • Job Corps Developed

  • Sputnik Launched

    Due to the launch of Sputnik, the US government increased funding in math and sciences to support research and improve sciences in schools.
  • Tribal Schools Opened

    Native AMerican culture added to curriculum; however, lack of funding, materials, and federal government funding were difficult obstacles.
  • Increased Federal Funding

    To help fight the war on poverty, US government increased federal funding for education that grew by 8.8% by 1968.
  • Fundamental Change in Middle Schools

    Fundamental change in middle schools to focus on social, emotional, and intellectual needs of adolescents.
  • Indian Education Act

    Established Office of Indian Education
  • Department of Education Established

    DoE was moved to its own cabinet-level position during President Carter's administration.
  • Native American Languages Act

    protects the languages and cultures of Native Americans
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    The NCLB Active requires states to develop an accountability plan to ensure students are receiving basic skills, primarily in reading and math.