the first schools in bolivia
The first school was founded in La Paz by the priest Alfonso Bargano in 1571.
The seminar-school was founded in 1599, it was called San critobal
on February 22nd by order of sr fransisco Borja, Santiago school was founded later was called saint jhon the baptist.
The schools continued to be classists, Because only the Knights' children were able to enter. And later on, the schools were created in La paz, Chuquisaca and Sucre where reading and writing were just taught. -
Around 1700 the Jesuits founded schools with the main objective to teach about religion and moral -
On December, 11th a decree was issued about education
by the same one it was arranged for the building of a school in Potosí and with this the first school system is born
1 The first duty of the goberment is give education.
2. The education must be democratic.
3. Each department must create a school. -
The country has 60 primary schools, all aimed at the elite and concentrated in the city, with a school population of 4,000 children who learned: reading, writing, grammar and literature. Women and indigenous people are marginalized from education. -
ISIDORO BELZU Isidoro Belzu, by decree repeated the intention of the State in terms of popular education, so that schools are dedicated "not only to literacy, but to the development of each student's personal inclinations, by reason of aptitude, about the character of the inhabitants, of the climate and of the same resources of each geographic zone ”. -
At the end of the 19th century, Bolivia joins the world capitalist economy and poses to the liberal governments at that time the need to democratize and modernize education, to allow the training of skilled labor and the training of technicians required by the capitalist industry. Education is discriminatory, only some could be educated in formal education while the majority do not gain access to education. -
The triumphant liberal current developed an ideology of progress, imitates the pedagogical models of Europe and sees the peasant Indian as a subject of defects and defects and was not an agent of progress and development for the country. -
The Ayllu de Warisata School, created jointly by an education official of the Bolivian government -Elizardo Pérez- and Avelino Siñani as representatives of the Warisata community, emerges. Because in reality, Siñani was the voice through which the indigenous community expressed its desire to organize and literate. -
Education was carried out in bilingual form (Aymara-Spanish) on the one hand, through productive workshops that sought both to produce what is necessary to sustain themselves (food, housing, tools) and to sell or exchange in exchange with the surrounding communities. -
Warisata was born on August 2nd as an indigenous rural school, financed in part with state resources but with the workforce, ideas and initiatives of the community itself. 150 children and four teachers started the project.
Education in Warisata was based on reciprocity, solidarity and the community model that lives in a productive and sustainable relationship with nature. -
In these years our country saw itself in internal and external conflicts. Civil and military governments took turns that ranged between nationalism and liberalism. The war conflict took education to paralize -
The political unrests and the constant pressure of the oligarchy end up making the Warisata School disappear. The persecution of the landowners against Avelino Siñani begins, they throw him out, imprison him and expel him from his community. -
This mestizo, intellectual and critical of foreign models appears and speaks of a national pedagogy, where he exalts the racial strength of the Indian, and says "The Indian is the true depository of national energy." "For his great vitality, for his latent energetic superiority of his blood, the Indian seems destined to endure as a race and to remain in history ...". At that time, women and indigenous people had no right to enter school, it was a privilege of a mixed caste. -
One year after the 1952 revolution, the Victor Paz Estensoro government imposed universal education through the creation of the National Commission for Educational Reform. -
The Bolivian Education Code is promulgated, this reform for the MNR at that time was anti feudal and anti-imperialist, it consolidated the existence of two educational or parallel systems in our country, the urban and the rural, causing an explosive increase in peasant education, although for several researchers it was done under a colonialist, memoristic and acculturant approach which was detrimental for the indigenous cultures. -
It was oriented to reproduce the structured society, on the basis of the colonial hierarchy, that is to say the division of education: a rural education, especially for the Indians, destined above all for the farmer to learn to read and write, thereby integrating it into The logic of the nation state. With this the universalization of a single culture and urban education for Creoles and mestizos. -
It raises the counter educational reform and ignores the advances that have been made since 1955. The people raise the flags for the right to education. Teachers at the national level, rural and city workers and enlightened sectors of the Bolivian middle classes undertake a sustained struggle to maintain the validity of the Bolivian Education Code and to qualify national education by carrying out successive educational congresses and formulating a series of innovative proposals. -
The national teaching promotes a policy to modernize education in the country, incorporating interculturality and bilingualism. It is discussed in the Popular Assembly to make changes in education. -
With the military coup in Bolivia by Colonel Hugo Banzer Suárez. The military dictatorship causes a setback in the spirit of universality in education.
The absence of specific mentions about the gender issue in all these reforms was notable. The problem of women's education is practically ignored and children are included in the same speech. Education in the countryside remained precarious and deficient. The delay of the woman was increasing and the general desertion was increasing. -
In this decade, transnationals have an interest in pressuring neoliberal governments to carry out educational reforms with a constructivist approach.
1989 -
The First National Education Congress is developed, from which the grassroots for educational reform arise. -
LAW 1565
The educational reform is given as a super structural expression of the series of structural adjustment measures imposed by neoliberalism such as the processes of capitalization of state-owned companies, aimed at consolidating neoliberal measures and adapting Bolivian education to the dictates of transnational globalization and not taking into account the national reality and popular demands end in failure. -
LAW 1565
Law 1565 of the Educational Reform is promulgated, it incorporates an intercultural approach and the bilingual modality, which was not complied with. Neoliberal educational reform was not only implemented in Bolivia but throughout Latin America raised from the instances of international and national power. -
Evo Morales took office as president of Bolivia, and his government cares about education and initiates dialogue processes to listen to the demands and needs of the people.
The 2006 Educational congress is held in Sucre and the educational proposal of the law Avelino Siñani Elizardo Pérez is presented, which allows to accompany the changes promoted in the process of change, so it achieves support and develops the discussion and construction for the drafting of the bill. -
Demands and Needs are gathered of the protagonists of education such as teachers, students, fathers and mothers, social organizations, indigenous farm organizations, educational councils, churches and NGOs. -
More than 950000 people are literate with the “I can” program and continue with the “I can continue” post literacy, the coverage of the Juancito Pinto Bonus is extended to reduce school drop-out, Labor Certification is promoted, revaluing the skills of work skills, Scholarships for higher and technical education are granted, educational infrastructure is built like never before and the development of the new curriculum begins. -
The 2010 Draft Law Avelino Siñani - Elizardo Pérez is presented as a proposal that is built with the protagonists of education. It is historical because it is built with the protagonists, to make a participatory, community, decolonizing, productive and unitary education. An education that educates for justice, for social justice, equality between all Bolivians and with an contextualized education