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Education History

By ddawson
  • Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois

    Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois
    Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois were two of the first men to fight for the right of education for the black people of America. Booker opened the Tuskegee Insitute in Alabama where he taught the first class, teaching how to do technical jobs. W. E. B. Du Bois fought to give black people the right to traditional education. This is important because everyone deserves an education that is free, accessible, and adequate.
  • Scopes Monkey Trial

    Scopes Monkey Trial
    The Scopes Monkey Trial challenged the law of only teaching the biblical theory of creation with teaching evolution instead. The American Civil Liberties Union backed John Scopes, who decided to teach evolution in place of creationism which was illegal at the time. It wasn't ruled unconstitutional until 1968 thought. It was important because it served as the break from religion-based teaching to proved theories. [Photo of bird evolutions].
  • Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka

    Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka
    Brown v Board ruled against the case of Plessy v Ferguson of separate but equal stating that separate is inherently unequal. The court could recognize that the inequalities were more than just the location of the schools. It is important for everyone to have accessible, free, and adequate public education. (1954). Retrieved from
  • National Defense Education Act

    National Defense Education Act
    The N.D.E.A. was implemented because of the space race and provided grants and loans in the fields of science, language, and some technical fields. This was important because it provided a boost in scientific knowledge which has allowed for the technology and knowledge that we have today. The things that we know today couldn't be taught if there wasn't a push to advance the knowledge of science back then. [Stock photo of science].
  • Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
    The IDEA act is a law that ensured that people with disabilities are still given access to an adequate education. The idea act is important because everyone should have an accessible, free, and adequate education. Benjamin, J. B. (1902). [Photo of Booker T. Washington and assistant Emmet J. Scott]