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By delre1
  • Education 1850

    Education 1850
    In 1850 many children did no attend school. The children who did only went for a few years. Many teachers were untrained and having an education was not highly regarded. Knowing this parents began to decide if kids went to school or not ad I the for how long.
  • Education 1860

    Education 1860
    School became much more important in 1860 in the lives of most children. Some places in America began to provide public education. A quote was pulled from a teacher.
  • Education 1870

    Education 1870
    Education began to move forward in 1870. When the recently formed National Education League began to campaign for free and non-religious education for all children.
  • Education 1875

    Education 1875
    In 1875 more and more schools became official. More schools became popular and filled with mire students hence why more schools needed building. These schools became more specific into High School's ,Collages and University's and Elementary Schools. A few of these schools are Knoxville Collage , Hershey School of Musical Arts ad They Leys School.
  • Education 1880

    Education 1880
    The 1880 Education Act enabled School Boards to examine the provision of elementary in their district. If the school board deemed the school unsafe they had the right to build and maintain schools. It was not until 10 years later that thre were enough students to make full classes of children up to 10 years old.