
  • First School Ever

    It was in Boston and it was called the Boston Latin School.
  • Chalkboards

  • Period: to

    Slide Rules

    The slide rule consists of three parts: a base, movable center and two transparent faces that make up the cursor.
  • First Public School

    Boston started the first school
  • Academics

    By this time schools solely focused on teaching about academics
  • Birth of Teacher's Union

    The National Teachers
    Association was created to
    give educators a united front,
    starting with just 100
  • Government Help

    The Department of Education is created
  • Not Widespread

    Pulic Schooling wasn't that popular in the south till after the Civil War.
  • Magic Lanterns

    The light made presentations easier.
  • Plessy V Ferguson

    The mantra separate but equal stems
    from this Supreme Court ruling, which
    legalizes segregation.
  • Pencils

    Replaced the chalkboards
  • Paper

    Replaced slates
  • More Attendance

    31 States had a lot of kids in school.
  • Free Public Schools

    All states have laws requiring
    mandatory school attendance for
    children through elementary school.
  • Pierce V Society Of Sisters

    This Supreme Court ruling
    finds that children can’t be
    compelled to attend public
    school and can instead attend
    private school.
  • Period: to

    Film Projectors

  • Mimeographs

    Older Copiers
  • Ballpoint Pens

  • School Lunch For Everyone

    They lower the costs on School Lunch
  • Television

  • Brown V Board of Education

  • Overhead Projectors

  • Racial Segregated schools

    Segregated schools are everywhere and it common to find only white schools.
  • Federal Funding

    More money to schooling
  • Tests Start

    Standardized testing is used to
    measure school performance, and
    scores are not reported to the
    government and public.
  • Handheld Calculators

  • Scantron Sheets

  • Title IX

    Title IX of the Education
    Amendments of 1972 prohibits
    discrimination based on sex, but
    becomes known most for legislating
    equal treatment and opportunity for
    girls in school athletics.
  • Computer-Aided Instruction

  • The Nations At Risk

    The report, issued by President
    Ronald Reagan’s National
    Commission on Excellence in
    Education, points to severe
    underperformance of American
  • Computers

  • Web 2.0 Tools

    Powerpoint, Word
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    increases federal funding for
    education and ushers in standards based reform.
  • Getting Connected

    All Schools have access to the Internet
  • More Grant money

    More grant money for schools after the recession