EDU371: Big Bang Theory

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    Space greatly expanded causing our universe to be created. This expansion is famously known as the Big Bang.
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    This is known as the supercontinent that existed in the late Palezoic and early Mesozoic eras. This supercontinent was formed around 335 million years ago and started to break apart around 175 million years ago.
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    Evidence shows that dinosaurs were on Earth around 243 million years ago. They were on Earth for about 160 million years and became extinct around 66 million years ago. There are many theories behind their extinction an asteroid, climate change, and a volcanic eruption.
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    This term translates to the southern ape. They existed in Africa from 4.2 to 1.9 million years ago during the Pliocene period. Humans are a descendant from this species.
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    Around 4 million years ago. This is an animal that stands and walks on its two legs.
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    About two billion years ago the first autotroph was developed. They are complex organic compounds that are created from simple inorganic substances, autotrophs are the producers of the food chain (plants, algae, fungi). German Botanist, Albert Bernhard Frank was the person who came up with the term Autotroph in 1892.
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    Are an extinct subspecies of humans, they lived in Europe and Asia. The last of the Neanderthals were seen close to 40,000 years ago. The cause of their extinction was due to the migration of early modern humans, climatic change, or disease.
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    There are around 140 Egyptian pyramids that have been discovered. Pyramids were created as a tomb for the Egyptian Pharaohs and their family. They were also used for protection.
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    is a study of science that covers celestial objects, space, and phenomena. Astronomy involves math, physics, and chemistry to help discover more about these topics. Ancient greeks were the first to use Astronomy but used it more for math. This was developed in the 4th century.
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    René Descartes was a French Philosopher, mathematician, and scientist. He was born in 1596 and died in 1650. He is known as the first modern philosopher and connecting geometry and algebra.
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    Albert Einstein was a German theoretical physicist. He was born in 1859 and died in 1955. He discovered the theory of Relativity. This helps to explain and understand space, time, gravity, and the universe. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1921 for his help with theoretical physics.