EDU Top 10

  • Common School Movement

    Common School Movement
    The common school movement was an act instated by Horace Mann that led to the beginning of access to free public education across the United States.
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    Common School Movement

    Still in place today.
  • Standardized Testing

    Standardized Testing
    The idea of standardized testing developed in the late 1830's and is still being used today. The tests are written exams that show how well an individual or school are doing with the education process. They became common place in the 1900's and are now used for college entrance as well as educational evaluation.
  • Massachusett's Compulsory Education Law

    Massachusett's Compulsory Education Law
    The Massachusett's Compulsory Education Law was the first law to pass the mandated a child's presence in school. This law stated that children between the ages of 8-14 were required to attend school or their families would be fined. The law spread quickly and now all children are required to attend school.
  • Morrill Land Grant Act

    Morrill Land Grant Act
    The Morrill Land Grant granted land to colleges and universities to develop schools that were no longer just for the elite but for the common people. These colleges were founded for the purpose of teaching agriculture and the mechanical arts.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Brown v Board of Education was a court case that was crucial to the role of segregation in schools. The case put an end to "separate but equal" and made it illegal for schools to discriminate on the basis of race.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    Little Rock Nine consisted of nine African American students who utilized their right to attend a public school that had previously been whites only. Needless to say it was not a popular decision and the students had to be escorted to and from school by national gaurd members. However, they paved the way for all other african americans to follow suit.
  • Title IX

    Title IX
    Title nine created equality amongst genders in schools. The law allowed for girls to have the same opportunities as their male counterparts when it came to sports and extracurricular activities. Girls are entitled to the same equipment, coaches, funding, etc.
  • IDEA

    IDEA gave equal access to education to all children. It required handicap services be provided and that public schools work with families. The law required that all special needs children have equal access to a public education and all of the services required for that to happen.
  • Columbine Massacre

    Columbine Massacre
    The Columbine Massacre was a horrific school shooting. At the time it was the largest of its kind. The tragedy forced schools to raise security and practice active shooter drills.
  • No Child Left Behind

    No Child Left Behind
    No child left behind was used to increase the success of students in school. The law increased schools accountability by increasing the implementation of standardized testing. The tests were meant to gauge administrative and educator success based upon the scores.