EDU 240 S16 - Literacy

  • Initial email about the textbook sent

    Initial email about the textbook sent
  • BlackBoard Course Shell Opens

    The EDU 240 shell opened on Blackboard. An assignment is due as of the first day of the semester, not the first day of class.
  • First day of class!

    First day of class!
    We learned two free,
    We were also introduced to levels of thinking and key aspects of reading text.
  • Second Day of Class! - Nicole Anthony's Post

    Second Day of Class! - Nicole Anthony's Post
    4 Levels of Thinking: Literal, Inferential, Critical, and Creative
    3 Parts for Measuring Text Complexity: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Reader and Task (think: ability, motivation, interest, background [=Schemata], etc.)
    H.O.T. = Higher Order Thinking
    6 Levels of Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognition: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, and Create
    -->Mnemonic (memory aid/device): Roy's Ugly Ape Always Eats Candy
    -->Miller's "Chunking" (=remember "chunks" [3 and 3]: R, U, Ap... and An, E, C)
  • Third Day Of Class: Noelle Arroyo

    Third Day Of Class: Noelle Arroyo
    During class on February 1,2016 we learned about receptive and expressive Language.
    -Text(works from bottom up)->Reader(works from top to bottom)
    Semantic System, Syntactic system, Graphonemic System
    Four different levels of readers. Level 1: Decoder. Level 2: Word Caller. Level 3: Responding Reader. Level 4: Critical. we also learned what teachers can do for each level reader.
    Strategies for constructing meaninng.
  • List-Group-Label: Inductive Learning

    List-Group-Label: Inductive Learning
    -We started class with an activity which required each student to read through a list of new vocabulary from google drive, then sort them into categories based on what we read. We then discussed our categories with an assigned partner to organize our information, build knowledge, and use academic discourse.
    -This activity served as an example for our lesson of the day which was List-Group-Label. This strategy is part of inductive learning and it is done post-reading to solidify learning.

    In class today we were initially presented with the following task:
    "Referencing the information you read and statements you evaluated, use these words to compare and contrast word callers with proficient readers......cognitive flexibility, fluency, metacognition, schemata and reading rate." We spent the remainder of the class time learning the functions of the Smartboard, to become more comfortable wiith its capabilities and prepare us for our presentations.
  • February 17 2016- Matt Dixon

    February 17 2016- Matt Dixon
    Triple A +1
    Activate- Set the material into their mind
    Attach- connect the material with images and objects
    Anchor- Make them remember the material over so it sticks in
    Assess- Review to make sure they understood it
  • Part 2 for 2/17/16

    Part 2 for 2/17/16
    Strategies for constructing meaning-
    1. Inferencing, including predictions,
    2. Identifying important information- a. storyline in narratives b. main ideas in expository texts,
    3. Monitor their reading (cognitive flexibility)
    4.,Summarizing what they read,
    5.Generating ( and respond)
    6. Visualizing- mental images, picture in your mind The rest of the lesson was dealing with our smartboard strategies
  • Schemata and Vocab Strategies-Michael Feldstein

    Schemata and Vocab Strategies-Michael Feldstein
    Class began with a review of the Tow Truck image and the AAA+A (activiate, attach, anchor and assess which are ways teachers can help students learn, remember, apply new information and be tested to see if they can recall the material. We also talked about Schemata which is defined as "the mental networks of knowledge, information and experiences stored in long term memory. Prof. Moss had a few volunteers draw images that they each felt represented Schemata.
  • Schemata Continued! Michael Feldstein

    Schemata Continued! Michael Feldstein
    We also discussed how to build content for schemata. Methods include: Discussion, Read alouds, trade books, visuals, videos and making real world connections. We learned about the Elements of Effective Vocabulary Strategies with the acronym (CRAM). Concrete(make it real for them), Repetitive (multiple exposures in diff. context), Active(Engaged), and Meanginful (word's should be high in value).Finally, we went over the keys to the presentation assignment and how to submit it.
  • Specialized/Technical words

    Specialized/Technical words
    -Specialized words: Words that are spelled and sound the same but have different meanings.
    -Technical words: Words specific to your content area.
    -Academic vocab includes specialized and technical words.
    -We got into groups of our content area and came up with words that were technical but also specialized.
    -Homonym: Different meaning but same sound
    -Heteronym: Same spelling but different meaning
    -We used a vocab strategy with flash cards and we were timed how fast we could get through them all.
  • Metacognitive Conflict Instruction Kevin Hartling

    Metacognitive Conflict Instruction Kevin Hartling
    In class today we went over metacognitive conflict instruction. We started by making mneumonic slides based on "Stop, Look, Think, and Proceed." Most of the slides had a theme of our content area. We also expanded upon the levels of vocabulary that we did the class prior. These three levels were associative, Comprehension, and Generative. We closed class out by reading an article about how academic vocabulary builds on student achievement.
  • What is a complex text?-Gino Cantone

    What is a complex text?-Gino Cantone
    During class today we discussed "what is a complex text?"
    A Complex text involves Qualitative, Quantitative, and reader task. the author's choice of vocabulary plays a key role in the students understanding.
    We also discussed any questions we had about the midterm. specifically our class discussed the important information to keep in mind when teachers students are English language learners and Struggling readers. Both ELL and SR need to reimforcements to help option the information from class
  • Paola's Post - In class Midterm

    Paola's Post -  In class Midterm
    "Knowledge is power!" - Francis Bacon.
    Today we used that power to answer multiple choice, short answer questions and an essay.
  • Webquest andArticls- Diana Leal

    Webquest andArticls- Diana Leal
    In class we spoke about the difference between Academic & Informal language.A teacher must always use academic language.We had then went over articles that is related to our content area and picked out certain words that students might have issues with. We also went over the new project Webquest.This can be used as a learning tool that can be beneficial to the student from online information.The student will be able to use resources from the web & will have a better understanding.
  • Purpose of WebQuest

    Purpose of WebQuest
    In class we went over the purpose for doing the WebQuest. As a class we came up with that it provides cognitive flexibility, problem solving, implements clear tasks, allows experimentation with ideas for instruction and brings in the use of technology. We also went over the concept of the digital divide. Lastly we went through a quick overview of the structure for the webquest and what each section should entail.
  • Patrick McCormick- WebQuest introduction and task

    Patrick McCormick- WebQuest introduction and task
    The first two steps of a WebQuestThe class, along with the professor, engaged in a discussion regarding the characteristics of the introduction and task aspects of the WebQuest. Specifically, it is was emphasized that there are significant differences between the introduction and task. For instance, the task's language is directed towards student friendly while the introduction contains language that is intended for collleagues and is more sophisticated
  • Introduction of Literature Circles Joe Messina

    Introduction of Literature Circles Joe Messina
    In class we discussed Differentiation and how it incorporates multiple modalities. As well as responsive teaching and proactive teaching. Which means a teacher sees how well a student is doing then they determine the best way to help them. We also reviewed scaffolding and how it is important to guide the student by scaffolding to ensure they understand the material.
  • Lou's Post- Signal Words and WQ Information

    Lou's Post- Signal Words and WQ Information
    We learned about specific parts of our WebQuest and then learned about signal words.
    For example, we learned the task must engage the audinece, which is our students, and the process must have websites to help our students along with clear directions every step of the way.
    For signal words, we learned different ones such as simple listing, compare/contrast, and ordered listing
  • Textbook Features - Brianna Motis

    Textbook Features - Brianna Motis
    Today we started class in our literacy circles. We discussed when we will be reading our articles and designated roles for each person in our circle. After, we discussed some features of textbooks. These featues include chapter summaries, images/maps, ancillary material, headings/subheadings, etc. We also discussed how headings can help students make predictions, generate summaries, outline a text, and formulate questions.
  • Types of Writing In Content Areas - Brianna Parisi

    Types of Writing In Content Areas - Brianna Parisi
    The class split up into groups, and each group was assigned a different type of writing to read about in Chapter 9. These included Journals, Note-Taking, Summarizing, Outlining, and Instruction for ELL and SRs. From reading the sections, each group had to discuss the major benefits, and create a statement and visual regarding the writing. The group then performed a Jigsaw where they taught what they had learned to their original table. In the end, the writing types were connected back to AAA+1.
  • Joe Pidel: Writing

    Joe Pidel: Writing
    Today, we began class by working in our litarture circles and discussed the two articles we have chose to read. Following the group work, Professor Moss reviewed the notes we had about summarizing, writing, and note-taking. Additionally, we learned about two different types of journal writings and how a teacher should use them. Lastly, Professor Moss taught us about a popular writing activity that teachers don't use often named RAFT (Role Audience Format Topic) writing.
  • Hyperlinks & Editing Web Quest

    Hyperlinks & Editing Web Quest
    Our quest is almost complete... Web Quest that is! Today in class we learned how to place bookmarks and hyperlinks in Word documents. This is an essential function for the Web Quest, but also very useful to know when creating presentations going forward. Professor Moss posted the information on Blackboard if you need to use it in the future.
  • Levels Of Reading

    Levels Of Reading
    Today we had expaned from 5/2/16's lesson on our 3 levels of reading, Independent, Instructional, and Frustration. We further discussed 2 more quick strategies/techniques that can be used in these levels. The first discussed was Cloze. Which is the proces whereby readers must employ multiple cues to create meaning of a text. Then we went over Fry readability, When going over this strategy we must focus on the number of sentences and number of syllables in a text that we task our students to read
  • Final Day of Class!!! Final Exam!

    Final Day of Class!!! Final Exam!
    Today was our final day of class! Congratulations everyone! Hope everyone did well on the final, good luck to you all! - Jeanine V :)