EDRL 471 Week 12 Assignment 1

  • My 1st Experience

    My 1st Experience
    My first reading experience was being read picture books to when I was very young. My mom wanted me to be introduced to reading at a very young age.
  • My Mother's Interest

    My Mother's Interest
    My mother sparked an interest in me about reading. Every night before we fell asleep, she would pull out the novel she was reading and read it silently in her head. I would always examine the book she was reading and enjoyed seeing the cover art. She loved to read, so it made me curious about books.
  • Pre-K

    I remember this amazing reading experience I had that caused me to really love books myself. (Picture books at least.) In my Pre-K class, my teacher had a read-aloud to us of, "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly." She incorporated these puppets that fit the character and props of the book. It brought the book to life and I loved it!
  • Reading Family Nights

    Reading Family Nights
    During my elementary school years, (about 2nd grade) my school hosted an after-school family night. My mom and sisters joined me to go to this night where we were able to do many fun activities with reading. We were even given free books to take home. I was able to read on my own during this grade, so I really enjoyed these functions.
  • Growing My Library

    Growing My Library
    The older I got through elementary school, the more my love for reading grew. I had hundreds of books in my at-home library. They were a mixture of free books from my school, the books my sisters owned, books my mom had kept, etc. A series I was really into was "The Series of Unfortunate Events". It was encouraged by my school that we read for an hour after school, so that is exactly what I did. I got prizes from my school for just reading.
  • Start of Middle School

    Start of Middle School
    Middle school was an important changing point for my reading experience. I was used to getting to read books that I was interested in. However, in middle school, I was assigned many books that I had no interest in reading. This made my love for reading diminish drastically. I no longer enjoyed to read in my spare time. I was always too busy reading the assigned books that I didn't have interest in.
  • Romeo and Juliet

    Romeo and Juliet
    When I started high school, I was used to reading big novels from middle school that were about things like historical events. I gained an interest in reading again when instead of having to read huge novels, I was able to read plays. My freshman year, I was introduced to many amazing plays. One that stuck with me was Romeo and Juliet. I also like how my teacher incorporated the movies into it too so us students got a better understanding.
  • Mrs. Mammoth

    Mrs. Mammoth
    My sophomore year of high school, I had an amazing English teacher named Mrs. Mammoth. Instead of assigning us books, we were able to choose our own just as long as it fit our curriculum. Having the freedom to choose books that I enjoyed allowed me to have an interest in reading novels again. One book that really left an imprint on me and that I believe is a masterpiece is "The Great Gatsby".
  • College Textbooks

    College Textbooks
    After my two years of high school I went straight into college. This was a huge change for me because I had to get used to reading college textbook quickly. At first, I had a lot of trouble reading college textbooks, but once I started taking my education courses, I really enjoyed reading them. There was so much useful information in each education textbook that I will take with me throughout my teaching journey. It make me excited to gain more knowledge through reading.
  • Reading Today

    Reading Today
    Today, I still heavily read college textbooks. Due to not having much time due to work and school, I don't have much time to read for pleasure. However, when I do get to read, I really enjoy reading horror novels. I just recently got into horror novels due to me being such a horror movie fan.